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The RNPLS&T is the largest center for library, bibliographic and information services provided to individual, organizational and corporate users.
The library has the publishers’ status and pursues multifarious publishing activities. Annually, the Library publishes over 40 titles of printed and digital materials, among them research works, reviews and reports, conference and seminar proceedings, sci-tech information methodological works; periodicals and translated editions.
The circulation is run at the Publishing Reprographic Center – main RNPLS&T’s typographic center equipped with all modern printing and typographic facilities. The average circulation of 300 copies is implemented with POD (“publish on demand”) technology which enables to print down to 1 copy.
Since 1961 the Library has been publishing “Scientific and Technical Libraries”/«Nauchnie i tekhnicheskie biblioteki» monthly journal intended for librarians, information specialists and professionals in related industries.
The journal is noted on List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences, and is included in the science citation database «Emerging Sources Citation Index» Web of Science Core Collection.