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Exhibition "Laser and its application"


LaserThe exhibition "Laser and its application" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the catalogues and Reference and Bibliographic literature hall of the main building from December 2, 2024 to January 12, 2025.

The materials of the exhibition highlight some promising areas of application of laser technologies. The physical foundations of technological processes of laser processing of various materials and metals are considered, including a description of laser cutting, welding, engraving, alloying, modification, and surfacing technologies. The effectiveness of laser interferometry methods for diagnostics of technical condition, analysis of operability and study of complex structured systems in aviation and space technology, automotive engine building is shown. Practical recommendations for the use of laser scanning to obtain information about the spatial position of objects and terrain are given. The basics of laser biomedicine are described, and specific examples of the use of laser technologies in military affairs are presented.


Exhibition "Innovative models for attracting extra-budgetary funds: crowdfunding, fundraising, endowment"


CroudThe exhibition "Innovative models for attracting extra-budgetary funds: crowdfunding, fundraising, endowment" is open from November 29 to December 25, 2024 in the reading room of the Business Information Cabinet, 3rd floor, room 315.

Many modern organizations, both business-building and non-profit, are actively looking for new methods of attracting resources to finance their projects. In cases where obtaining bank loans is difficult or impossible, and there is no budget financing or it is insufficient, an increasing number of companies are switching to new models of attracting extra-budgetary funds, such as crowdfunding, fundraising and endowment.


Exhibition "Event marketing. Event Technologies"


EventMarketThe exhibition "Event marketing. Event Technologies" is open from October 30 to November 27, 2024 in the Reading room of the Business Information Center, 3rd floor, room 315.

Event marketing is an activity related to the planning, organization and holding of events to promote a brand, goods or services. In the conditions of the modern market, when it becomes increasingly difficult to interest consumers, there is a need to apply new approaches to the organization of promotion of goods and services designed to provide consumers with freedom of choice and free them from the influence of intrusive traditional advertising methods. One of the most effective and sought-after tools by the target audience is event marketing, which helps to increase sales, increase brand awareness and customer loyalty. The main types of such events are conferences, seminars, forums, trainings, presentations, exhibitions, entertainment events, online events.


Exhibition "Science in faces. Biobibliographic Publications"


SciPersThe exhibition "Science in faces. Biobibliographic Publications" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the Reading room for catalogs, reference publications and bibliography of the main library building from October 30 to November 29, 2024. The exhibition presents bio-bibliographic and bibliographic indexes, encyclopedias, bibliographic dictionaries and reference books devoted to the life and work of famous Russian scientists who have made a certain contribution to the development of science and technology. The exhibition materials contain biographical data and the main stages of the creative path of scientists, interesting facts from their lives, their statements, information about teachers, dissertation research, basic writings and social activities, as well as popular literature about them.


Exhibition "X-rays"


RentgenThe exhibition "X-rays" is open at the Russian National public Library for Science and Technology in the Hall of the 2nd floor of the main library building from October 16 to December 16, 2024. The exhibition is dedicated to X-rays, their discovery and application. The publications provide information on methods for studying the structure of objects using X-ray radiation, on factors affecting the intensity of X-ray reflections, describe the possibilities of high-temperature radiography and X-ray computed tomography, highlight the development and use of equipment and methods of X-ray spectral and X-ray diffraction analyses.


Exhibition "A Life given to Chess"



From October 14 to November 11, 2024 an exhibition of literature "A Life given to Chess" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the outstanding grandmaster Lev Polugaevsky (1934-1995) is open in the Center for Chess Culture and Art (3rd floor, room 315).

Lev Polugaevsky is one of the best chess players in the world of the 60s and 70s, who for many years was among the contenders for the world crown. He is a two-time champion of the USSR, and he owns a unique record: Polugaevsky played in 20 USSR championships! In addition, he is the winner of a number of international tournaments, a participant in the World Chess Olympiads, European championships and the famous "Match of the Century" (1970).

Exhibition "Social Entrepreneurship"


SocialThe exhibition "Social Entrepreneurship" is open from September 30 to October 28, 2024 in the Reading room of the Business Information Cabinet, 3rd floor, room 315.

The concept of social entrepreneurship appeared in Russian legislation relatively recently - in 2019. According to Law No. 245-FZ, this is an entrepreneurial activity aimed at achieving socially useful goals. It should solve social problems of citizens and society. There are many areas of activity of socially responsible business, for example, there are social entrepreneurs who provide jobs for disabled people, pensioners and parents with many children.

There are also such concepts as corporate social responsibility (CSR - a concept in which companies take into account the interests of employees and society as a whole, develop environmental and social projects), ESG strategies (a broader approach to sustainable development, taking into account environmental, social and management principles) and impact investing. At the same time, if CSR and ESG projects are an additional, non-core business activity, then impact projects, on the contrary, are focused on achieving a positive environmental or social result, and for them this is the main activity on which they earn money.


Exhibition "Wireless Communication Technologies"


WiFiThe exhibition "Wireless Communication Technologies" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the Reading room for catalogs, reference publications and bibliography of the main building from September 30 to October 29, 2024.

The publications presented at the exhibition examine issues of organization and planning, security and authentication of wireless networks, show methods and means of identifying vulnerabilities and protecting local networks, preventing information leaks in telecommunication systems, provide information on existing and promising wireless communication technologies, discuss current issues of creating and using satellite communication systems, prospects for the development and standardization of fifth-generation mobile communication technologies.


Exhibition "Ecology of Baikal"



The exhibition "Ecology of Baikal" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the Hall of Literature on ecology and priority areas of science and technology (room 210) of the main building of the library from September 16 to December 16, 2024. The exhibition is dedicated to the current problem of the ecology of Lake Baikal and its uniqueness.

 The publications provide basic physical and geographical information about Baikal, tell about the nature of the mountains surrounding it, about the mysterious Ushkany Islands, about the phenomenon of hot springs, about the most interesting living organisms inhabiting its waters, about the different stages of human habitation on the shores of the great lake. The pages of the publications discuss the main environmental problems of Lake Baikal, issues of preserving the unique ecosystem, note the presence of climatic risks to the ecological state, consider modern approaches to the formation of strategies for sustainable environmental and energy-saving development of the Baikal region.


Exhibition "The Soviet Atomic Project: Events and People"


SovietAtomThe exhibition "The Soviet Atomic Project: Events and People" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technollogy in the Hall of Literature on ecology and priority areas of science and technology in the main building of the library from September 13 to October 14, 2024.

The exhibition is dedicated to the history of the Soviet atomic project. The publications presented at the exhibition tell about the events related to the development and testing of atomic weapons, about the test sites of the USSR, about the reasons for the placement of top-secret facilities in the Urals and the construction of closed settlements, about the scientific and technical prerequisites for the implementation of the uranium project, about the history of the emergence of the first nuclear center in the country. The pages of the books reveal the role of leading atomic scientists who, in difficult conditions for the country, created the nuclear shield of the Motherland, laid the foundations of nuclear energy.


Exhibition "Innovative Motor Transport"


InnTransportThe exhibition "Innovative Motor Transport" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the Hall of the 2nd floor of the main library building from September 9 to November 29, 2024.

The publications presented at the exhibition examine the prospects for the development of unmanned transport, highlight the results of research and development work in the field of unmanned vehicles, and present the main technologies and devices of cars with artificial intelligence currently used. Modern technical solutions used in the main types of electric vehicles, hybrid cars and their components are presented, and issues of integrating unmanned vehicles into the road environment are covered.


Exhibition "Networking in Business: Connections Decide Everything!"


NetworkThe exhibition "Networking in Business: Connections Decide Everything!" is open from September 9 to October 7, 2024 in the reading room of the Business Information Office, 3rd floor, room 315.

Networking is a way to build a personal network of contacts - both professional and everyday. The main idea of ​​networking is to create your own unique community. Networking includes meeting new people who can be useful for business or have a positive impact on a person's life.


Exhibition "Three Centuries of Architecture of St. Petersburg"


Piter BankBrThe exhibition "Three Centuries of Architecture of St. Petersburg" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology  in the Reading room for catalogs, reference publications and bibliography of the main library building from May 3 to June 4, 2024.

The publications presented at the exhibition highlight the historical development of the architectural environment of the city of St. Petersburg from the 18th century to the present day.

The exhibition consists of three sections. The first section of the exhibition tells about the influence of various architectural styles on the appearance of the city, about the formation of its unique character, the special spatiality of St. Petersburg, about the history of the creation of famous buildings and monuments that amaze with their beauty and grandeur, demonstrating a variety of architectural solutions. From the second section, you can learn about outstanding architects, their realized creations and projects, as well as get acquainted with lesser-known, but no less talented masters of the city on the Neva. The task of the third section of the exhibition is to expand the usual boundaries of ideas about St. Petersburg architecture, to tell about suburbs, parks, bridges and unique industrial buildings, which, along with famous ensembles, form the unique appearance of the city.

During the preparation of the exhibition, publications from the fund of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology were used: monographs, reference books, textbooks, illustrated albums, as well as publications from electronic library systems, Lan, ZNANIUM, IPR SMART digital educational resource, online library of electronic and audiobooks LitRes: Library, scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU .

The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.



Exhibition "Fiber-Optic Systems"


OptSysThe exhibition "Fiber-Optic Systems" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the Hall of Literature on ecology and priority areas of science and technology of the main library building from May 2 to June 6, 2024.

The exhibition presents materials on promising information and communication technologies of the optical range. The publications reflect the prospects of technologies for optical and quantum telecommunications systems, optical signal and image processing, and consider the application of optical components in fiber-optic communication lines and information and measurement systems.

The principles of optical fiber signal transmission, types of standard and new optical fibers, their parameters and characteristics, as well as issues of improving the efficiency of fiber-optic communication lines are described.

The exhibition is addressed to a wide range of specialists in the field of fiber-optic communication systems, as well as teachers, graduate students and students of technical universities.

During the preparation of the exhibition, monographs, textbooks, conference materials, collections of scientific articles and journal articles, abstracts of dissertations from the fund of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, electronic library systems BOOK.RU, Lan, ZNANIUM, Online University Library, IPR SMART digital educational resource, scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU were used.

 The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.


Exhibition "The Wealth of the Earth's interior"


BosomThe exhibition "The Wealth of the Earth's interior" has been open at the Russian National Public Library for Scienсe and Technology in the Hall of the 2nd floor of the main library building since April 9, 2024.

The materials of the exhibition tell about the origin, history of discovery, conditions of occurrence, methods of extraction and use of minerals – treasures of the earth's interior. The publications consider the formation and development of geological science, the history of geological exploration, and publish the memoirs of outstanding scientists in the field of geology and well–known geologists in the industry who have devoted many years to the search and exploration of various mineral deposits. The books provide historical information about the discoveries and research of some of the most interesting minerals, reveal individual pages of the history of stone in Russia, starting with the stone hammer in the ancient Paleolithic and Scythian burial grounds, and ending with the Black Sea colonies of Greece, basic information about minerals and rocks composing the earth's crust is given.

The exhibition presents samples of minerals donated to the library by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Raw Materials named after N. M. Fedorovsky.

During the preparation of the exhibition, monographs, works of outstanding Russian and Soviet scientists, encyclopedic and popular science publications from the fund of the Russian National Public Library for Scienсe and Technology, the Electronic Library of the Russian National Public Library for Scienсe and Technology, electronic library systems ZNANIUM, BOOK.RU, the IPR SMART digital educational resource were used.

 The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.


Exhibition "Geoecology: Habitat Control"


GeoEco5The exhibition "Geoecology: Habitat Control" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the Hall of Literature on ecology and priority areas of science and technology of the main library building from March 21 to June 10, 2024.

The materials of the exhibition introduce the reader to geoecology, an interdisciplinary scientific field whose main task is to study changes in the lifesustaining resources of geospheric shells under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, protection of resources, their rational use and control.


Exhibition "People like Birds"


GeoEco5The exhibition "People like Birds" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the catalogues and Reference bibliographic literature hall of the main library building from March 27 to April 27, 2024. The publications presented at the exhibition tell in detail about the history of the origin of aeronautics – from the first aircraft and simple gliders to modern supersonic aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and hypersonic missiles; about outstanding scientists, engineers, designers who created and are creating aviation and rocket and space technology today; about the main achievements and victories of Russian cosmonautics on the way to space exploration, as well as about the prospects for further exploration of the Solar System and flights to other planets.


Exhibition "Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy"


FuelElemThe exhibition "Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the lobby of the 2nd floor of the main library building from March 20 to May 20, 2024.
The materials of the exhibition consider the main scientific directions in the field of hydrogen energy and energy storage, highlight the issues of development and application of power sources, the principle of operation of which is based on the use of renewable energy sources such as hydrogen. The problems, advantages and disadvantages of modern technologies for the production of electric and thermal energy based on renewable sources, their economic efficiency are analyzed, attention is paid to promising energy installations based on hydrogen energy storage.


Exhibition "Chemical sources of current. The history of creation"


ChemSourseThe exhibition "Chemical sources of current. The history of creation" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the lobby of the 2nd floor of the main library building from March 20 to May 20, 2024. The materials of the exhibition introduce the history of the emergence and development of the main ideas of electrochemistry, the history of creation, the principle of operation, the possibilities of chemical current sources from the Volt column to modern batteries, accumulators and fuel cells.

The exhibition is intended for students, postgraduates specializing in the fields of physical chemistry and electrochemistry, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the importance of electrochemistry in the history of natural science.

During the preparation of the exhibition, publications from the fund of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Russia were used: monographs, conference materials, collections of reports, educational and methodological literature, periodicals, publications from the IPR SMART digital educational resource, the ZNANIUM electronic library system, from the full-text collection of electronic journals published by Wiley (Wiley Journals), as well as from academic web resources of the open access the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).


The bibliographic list of literature can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.


Exhibition "Batteries and accumulators. Use and Disposal"


AccumThe exhibition "Batteries and accumulators. Use and Disposal" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the lobby of the 2nd floor of the main library building from March 20 to May 20, 2024. The materials of the exhibition present the results of research in the field of developing new and improving traditional electrochemical systems for chemical current sources, consider the operational features of chemical current sources, the basic principles of the theory of electrochemical energy conversion, present the main types and algorithms of modern chemical current sources, batteries and fuel cells, highlight the state of the chemical current sources industry. Considerable attention is paid to topical issues related to the collection and disposal of used batteries and accumulators.


Exhibition "Karl Schlechter – a chess player of universal style"


ShlekhterFrom March 18 to April 18, 2024, an exhibition of literature "Karl Schlechter – a chess player of universal style", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Austrian chess player Karl Schlechter (1874-1918), is open in the reading room of theRussian National Public Library for Science and Technology (3rd floor, room 315).

Karl Schlechter is one of the strongest chess players of the early 20th century, a brilliant theorist, journalist and composer. Already at the age of 18, he was one of the best players in Vienna and chose the path of a professional chess player. His success in the international arena grew rapidly. In total, Schlechter has appeared in 50 tournaments in his life!

Gradually, Schlechter became one of the contenders for the chess crown and challenged world champion Emanuel Lasker. The match took place in 1910 and ended in a 5-5 draw. Lasker, who retained the championship title, spoke flatteringly about the opponent's game: "I do not find any vulnerabilities in Schlechter... He is a model of a true fighter."


Exhibition "Pages of space history. The Gagarin Era"


GagarinThe exhibition "Pages of space history. The Gagarin Era" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the hall in the Hall of literature on ecology and priority areas of science and technology of the main library building from March 18 to April 18, 2024. The exhibition is dedicated to Soviet and Russian cosmonauts and scientists – people who created the space history of our country.

History chose Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin for the first space flight. The feat of Yuri Gagarin, who opened the way to the stars, lasted 108 minutes and showed all mankind that a new era had come – the cosmic one.


Exhibition "Women's Entrepreneurship"


WomenThe exhibition "Women's Entrepreneurship" is open from March 07 to April 08, 2024 in the reading room of the Business Information Office, 3rd floor, room 315.

The business sector is constantly changing, and one of the important trends of recent years is a significant increase in the number of women who decide to become entrepreneurs. According to TASS, more than 1.56 million women in Russia are individual entrepreneurs. The share of women entrepreneurs in Russian business is 39%, women are increasingly involved in the entrepreneurial sphere and successfully implement their ideas.

The books and articles presented at the exhibition analyze the specifics of doing business for women, give an idea of the subtleties and "pitfalls" of building and developing your own business, advise on how to properly organize personal and working time, how to distribute it between family and work; suggest how to build a financial strategy to run your business as much as possible successfully. Readers will find stories about the formation and development of a wide variety of business projects: from a photo school and educational programs to a cafe and a brand of spa cosmetics, as well as ideas for starting and developing their business.


Exhibition "Trends in Russia's demographic development"


The exhibition "Trends in Russia's demographic development" is open at theRussian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the Reading room for catalogs, reference publications and bibliography of the main library building from February 27 to March 26, 2024. The exhibition presents materials covering the demographic situation in Russia. The publications consider the theoretical foundations and history of demography, sources of demographic information, demographic structures and processes, methods of studying and analyzing demographic processes, natural and mechanical movement of the population, as well as the main directions of demographic forecasting and demographic policy. The main measures for the development of family, demographic and migration policy, employment policy in the context of Russia's demographic well-being and the creation of conditions for improving the socio-demographic situation are outlined.

The exhibition is addressed to specialists dealing with problems of demographic, migration and socio-economic policy, teachers, graduate students, students, as well as anyone interested in demographic issues.

During the preparation of the exhibition, monographs, textbooks, conference materials, collections of scientific articles and journal articles, abstracts of dissertations from the fund of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Russia, electronic library systems Lan, ZNANIUM, scientific electronic library were used eLIBRARY.RU .

The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.


Exhibition "Chess Player, Philosopher, Reformer"


Bronst0From February 16 to March 16, 2024, an exhibition  "Chess Player, Philosopher, Reformer" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of David Bronstein is open in the reading room of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology (3rd floor, room 315).

David Ionovich Bronstein (1924-2006) is one of the most outstanding chess players of the mid–20th century, a participant in the World Championship match (1951). A brilliant analyst, a talented journalist and writer, the author of several books, including the bestseller "International Grandmaster Tournament".

He was famous, first of all, as a master of attack, possessing amazing imagination and the ability to improvise at the board. Bronstein's work is characterized by an attitude towards chess as an art, the gift of psychological insight into the opponent's plans, and skillful coordination of the actions of the pieces on various parts of the board. His research has enriched the theory and practice of chess with many new ideas.

The exhibition includes books by Bronstein himself and materials dedicated to him.


The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.


Exhibition "The Albert Einstein Phenomenon"


Einstein"The Albert Einstein Phenomenon" exhibition is open at the Russian National Public Library of Science and Technology in the Hall of Literature on ecology and priority areas of science and technology of the main library building from February 12 to March 11, 2024. The materials of the exhibition tell about the life, worldview and work of the great physicist Albert Einstein, about the origin and development of his ideas, about their significance in the history of science, philosophy and culture.

The exhibition presents scientific works, the most significant works of Albert Einstein, in which he gives his vision of the world, man, the future of world civilization and science – letters, diary entries, texts of public speeches, as well as fragments from his interviews. The publications describe in detail and in an accessible way the scientific concepts and discoveries of Albert Einstein, consider the facts from his biography revealing the personality of the great scientist, highlight the philosophical problems associated with Einstein's theory of relativity.

The exhibition is addressed to the widest range of readers interested in the life and work of one of the greatest scientists, the history and philosophy of science.

During the preparation of the exhibition, monographs, a collection of scientific papers, textbooks and a preprint from the fund of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Russia, as well as publications from the ZNANIUM electronic library system, the IPR SMART digital educational resource, the online library of electronic and audiobooks LitRes: Library were used.

The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.


Exhibition "Architectural Masterpieces of Russian Cities"


ArchMastThe exhibition "Architectural Masterpieces of Russian Cities" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the catalogues and Reference and Bibliographic Literature hall (room 201) of the main library building from January 25 to February 26, 2024. The exhibition presents publications telling about ancient and modern architectural masterpieces of Russian cities, amazing works of stone, brick, wood and concrete, revealing the skill of the creators, striking with bold design solutions, harmonious integrity of forms and artistic perfection of details.

The exhibition consists of two sections. The first section immerses us in the world of architectural treasures of ancient Russian cities. Here you can trace the origin and evolution of the most beautiful and important buildings and structures, learn the history of the creation of the most outstanding examples of architecture and get acquainted with interesting facts about them. In the second section of the exhibition, it is fascinating and at the same time strictly documented about the destinies and creative paths of the great architects, about the projects and architectural works on which they worked.

During the preparation of the exhibition, publications from the fund of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Russia were used: monographs, collections, textbooks, illustrated albums, as well as publications from electronic library systems, BOOK.RU, Lan, ZNANIUM, IPR SMART digital educational resource.

 The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.


Exhibition "Negotiations without defeat"


ConversThe exhibition "Negotiations without defeat" is open from January 31 to February 29, 2024 in the reading room of the Business Information Department, 3rd floor, room 315.

How can you learn to defend your own interests without infringing on the interests of your opponent? How to turn negative people into allies?

We negotiate almost daily: with suppliers, customers, colleagues, employers, and loved ones. At the same time, negotiations, even complex ones, are not necessarily confrontation or struggle: the opponent in such dialogues is a partner with whom you can get mutually beneficial and most attractive results.

In the books and articles presented at the exhibition, you will find patterns and rules for successful negotiations that allow you to achieve maximum in any conditions, as well as get acquainted with the key methods of persuasion and techniques that are used in such dialogues. Negotiations can be "soft" and very tough, depending on the goals of their participants. You will learn how to see manipulation in business negotiations and understand how to counteract these manipulations, as well as receive step-by-step instructions for implementing effective negotiation techniques in work and in life.

The materials of the exhibition are addressed to heads of companies and managers of various levels, teachers and students interested in conducting business negotiations, as well as to everyone who wants to systematize and expand their knowledge about conducting dialogues and disputes, including conflict ones, in any situations and with any people.

During the preparation of the exhibition, publications from the fund of the Russian National Public Libvrary for Science and Technology were used: monographs, articles, publications from full-text databases of digital educational resources "IPR SMART", "IBOOKS", "BOOK.RU " " ", Grebennikon electronic library, Liters of the library. The educational literature is presented separately. The editions are arranged alphabetically.

The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.


Exhibition "Economics: Science and Business"


EconomicsThe exhibition "Economics: Science and Business" is open from February 7 to March 1, 2024 in Reading room of the Business Information Department (3rd floor, room 315). The exhibition is dedicated to the Day of Russian Science.

In the books presented at the exhibition, you will find information about how the economy as a whole works, you will be able to learn something new about the digital economy, cryptocurrencies and blockchain, current trends in the international and Russian economy, how the economic crises of our time and the introduction of artificial intelligence will affect the financial picture of the world in the future, as well as study the opinions of leading economists on current issues and the future of global financial systems. The analysis of best practices and time-tested business strategies in the "Entrepreneurship Strategies" section will help managers and top managers of enterprises take a fresh look at the current business model and, if necessary, find the best options for its transformation.

The exhibition contains scientific monographs and popular science publications published in recent years. During the preparation of the exhibition, publications from the fund of the Russian National Public Library for Science ad Technology were used.

The exhibition is addressed to business leaders, researchers, managers of various levels, teachers, students, high school students, as well as anyone interested in economics and entrepreneurship.

The bibliographic list of references can be found by direct link or in the Readers /Thematic exhibitions section.