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LibwayOn September 14—17, 2020, International scientific and practical conference “Science, technologies and information in libraries (LIBWAY-2020)” was held online on the basis of the State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch. Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology was among the coorganizers, with Yakov L. Shrayberg, RNPLS&T Academic Advisor as a Program Committee member.

On September 15, Alexander S. Karaush, RNPLS&T Director General, delivered his paper: “High information technologies: what knowledge and skills contemporary librarians must have”. In his presentation he spoke on the information technologies in librarians and related self-education of librarians.
On September 16, Yakov L Shrayberg, RNPLS&T Academic Advisor, presented his paper “Building competences in modern master’s students: Academic chairperson’s reflections”. The lecturer focused on the experience of the E-libraries and Scientometric Studies Chair of Moscow State Linguistic University based on the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology founded in May 2019, and the competences of the graduates to be taught.