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Digital transformation in archives and libraries


RusArchRound Table «Digital transformation in archives and libraries: Current state and prospects”


On December 8, 2020, at 11:00 am, the round table “Digital transformation in archives and libraries: Current state and prospects” will be held. The Federal Archival Agency and Russian National Archive of Research and Engineering Documentation (RNARED) act as the round table organizers. The round table is to gather experts of the Federal Archival Agency and other federal archives and libraries. They are to discuss urgent problems of archival and library digitalization, legislative foundations of digitalization and current reality of the information market. Prof. Yakov L. Shrayberg, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), RNPLS&T Academic Advisor, is to deliver his paper “Transformation of copyright and the information market in modern realities”. Alexander S. Karaush, Cand. Sc. (Engineering), RNPLS&T Director General, will also present his paper “Library reality in IT. Modern requirement for specialists”.