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The visit of the representative of the publishing house "Elsevier" F.G. Boykova

Els logoOn July 9, 2021, Fyodor G. Boykov, Director for Work with Government Organizations of the Elsevier Publishing House, paid a business visit to the State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia.
During the meeting, together with the Director General of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia Alexander S. Karaush, the Deputy General Director of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia for scientific and educational activities Yulia V. Sokolova and the Deputy General Director of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia for library work Olga B. Ushakova, the following issues were discussed: expanding access to Elsevier resources for readers Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, prospects for cooperation between organizations in the field of scientometrics, as well as joint educational and scientific events.