Exhibition «Additive 3D Technologies»
The exhibition of literature «Additive Technologies 3D» is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the hall of catalogues and reference and bibliographic literature (room 201) from July 26 to August 23, 2022. Layer-by-layer synthesis technologies known as additive technologies or AF-technologies are one of the most dynamically developing areas of digital production. In the recent past, AF technologies were used mainly in traditionally technologically advanced industries - the defense and aerospace industries, where there was an urgent need to manufacture high-precision products and their prototypes in the shortest possible time. Today additive technologies are one of the most promising branches of science, industry, and business and are used to solve problems of pre-production almost everywhere. This is an area that evolves daily, pleases consumers and changes the world, helping people to create customized products, and industry to develop exponentially.
The first section of the exhibition presents sources offering the reader a classification of methods of additive technologies, principles of operation and characteristics of equipment, a description of the use of 3D printing installations in industrial production and in training.
The second section of the exhibition contains publications related to CAD/CAE software packages, digitization and reengineering technologies.
The solution of technical problems arising in the processes of 3D modeling and additive manufacturing depends on the amount of knowledge about promising materials. The sources proposed in the third section of the exhibition present current trends in the development of new materials.
During the preparation of the exhibition, publications from the fund of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology were used: monographs, conference materials, collections of reports, educational and methodological literature, abstracts of dissertations, periodicals, as well as publications from electronic library systems «BOOK.RU», «ibooks.ru» «Doe», «ZNANIUM.COM», digital educational resource «IPR SMART», scientific electronic library «eLIBRARY.RU».
The bibliographic list of references can be found on the website of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the section For Users/Exhibitions.