Exhibition "Oceanological Research"
The exhibition "Oceanological Research" is open at the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology in the lobby of the 2nd floor of the main building from January 23 to March 19, 2023. The materials presented at the exhibition reflect the achievements of recent decades in the field of ocean research, discuss current challenges and prospects for the development of oceanology. The publications present the results of complex hydrochemical, biogeochemical and hydrobiological studies in the seas, much attention is paid to the problems of bio-oceanology, the current state and prospects for the study of biological resources of the seas. An overview of modern technical means and methods of oceanological research is given.
The exhibition may be of interest to researchers engaged in the study of the seas and oceans, as well as graduate students and students of oceanological specialties.
During the preparation of the exhibition, monographs, conference materials, collections of scientific articles, educational and methodological literature from the fund of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Russia, publications from electronic library systems were used "ZNANIUM.COM ", "Lan", digital educational resource "IPR SMART".
The bibliographic list of references can be found on the website of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology by direct link in the section For Users/Exhibitions