Exhibition "Hotel and Restaurant Business"
The exhibition of literature "Hotel and restaurant business" is open from March 9 to April 3, 2023 in the reading room of the Central Library, 3rd floor, room 315.
The restaurant and hotel business is a promising branch of the economy and the main component of the tourism industry.
The restaurant and hotel business is a promising branch of the economy and the main component of the tourism industry. The competent and high-quality organization of services in the HoReCa segment (Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe) depends not only on the loyalty of regular guests, but also on the transition of new visitors to restaurants and hotel guests to this category. The modern world is changing rapidly: enterprises at all stages are switching to automated systems, opportunities for online services are expanding, new regulatory requirements for operation and maintenance are being introduced. Due to the constantly changing economic and political situation in the world, the management of hotels and restaurants has to transform a lot, but the business continues to develop, so those who are interested in these areas of activity need information about both the basics of organizing and doing business, and about changes in it.
The books and articles presented at the exhibition reflect the features of modern management of the hotel and restaurant business, numerous examples from the practice of Russian and foreign hotels and restaurants of different levels and formats are given. Estimates of requirements for market participants, reasons for choosing hotels and restaurants by guests, factors of convenience and satisfaction of visitors are given.
The materials of the exhibition will be useful to researchers, teachers, students and postgraduates studying the theory and practice of strategic management of enterprises of the hospitality and tourism industry, as well as specialists and managers of these enterprises.
The exhibition consists of 7 sections. They include publications from the fund of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, electronic library systems "BOOK.RU " and "ZNANIUM.COM ", the digital educational resource "IPR SMART", the electronic library "GREBENNIKON" and the LITER library. The editions are arranged alphabetically.
The bibliographic list of references can be found on the website of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology by direct link in the section For Users/Exhibitions