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About Us
Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology (RNPLS&T) was founded by the Decree № 1154 of the USSR Council of Ministers of October 17, 1958
Today, the Library comes under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Today RNPLS&T acts as:
• the national sci-tech information hub;
• computerized information center providing access to national and foreign resources;
• research, methodological and education center;
• technological site for implementing and improving innovative solutions in library computerization;
• headquarters maintainng and developing the mixed data bank of the Automated System of the Russia Union Catalog for Sci-tech Literature;
• research institution developing large-scale projects in librarianship and information technologies;
• coordination methodological body for collection development, interlibrary loan, and book exchange between Russian sci-tech libraries.
RNPLS&T stands as a research organization with its Scientific Board which membership is made of prominent scholars and professionals in librarianship and information studies.
The Library is the member of the well-known and authoritative international organizations, namely the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), International Association of Technical University Libraries (IATUL), cooperates with the United Nations Organization in the area of education, science and culture (UNESCO), European Union, other international organizations, institutions, and foundations.
RNPLS&T is the back-up organization for design and implementation of major federal and international projects in library and information areas. It is the founder of the International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies (ELNIT Association), main organizer of the annual international “Crimea” (World Professional Forum since 2015) and LIBCOM conferences, and a series of scholarly and educational programs.
RNPLS&T provides the site for refining innovative solutions for IRBIS64 Library Automation System, designed mainly by RNPLS&T and ELNIT professional teams.
RNPLS&T’s Learning and Methodological Center supports professional advanced training in librarianship and information sphere; research and methodological projects providing continuing library education; it also supports universities and specialized high schoolsс in educating specialists and future librarians.
The Library comprises divisions in the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education and its own branches in 7 Moscow municipal districts (contacts).
The RNPLS&T Supervisory Board represents the Library’s interests at every level, contributes to its prestige and facilitates partnerships with other institutions.