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Bionics. Union of Nature and Technology



The publications presented at the exhibition introduce engineering issues in the field of nanobioelectronics, the possibilities of using bionic technologies to solve many important medical problems; research on functional materials modeled after natural species, including materials science and engineering aspects of manufacturing. The materials of the exhibition cover a wide range of issues related to the use of biomimetic nanoparticles to create new classes of nanodevices. Special attention is paid to neurobionics - the study and modeling of neurons and neural networks, the creation and use of neurocomputers, the possibility of improving and developing electronic and computer technology.

During the preparation of the exhibition, publications from the fund of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Russia were used: monographs, collections of scientific papers, textbooks and manuals, conference materials, articles from specialized journals, abstracts of dissertations, publications from the electronic library systems "Lan", "Znanium.com ", scientific electronic library "eLibrary.ru ", as well as publications from the full-text databases of the Springer Publishing house, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) and the Institute (Institute of Engineering and Technology), articles from the electronic journals "Biomacromolecules", "Proceedings of the IEEE on Medical Robotics and Bionics", "Journal of Bionic Engineering".

The materials of the exhibition can be useful to graduate students, students, teachers and specialists interested in bionics.

The materials of the exhibition can be found in the lobby of the 2nd floor of the main library building from March 3 to April 4, 2022. At the end of the exhibition period, you can pre-order the printed publication (books or abstracts) you are interested in from the list by clicking the "ORDER" button. To order, authorization is required in Personal account the reader. You can work with publications in the reading room selected by you when placing an order.

If you have any questions about the use of printed publications presented at the exhibition, please call: 8(495) 698-93-07, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or in a chat on the main page of the library's website.

Authorization is required to read electronic publications presented at the exhibition. The terms of access can be found in your Personal Account in the "Licensed resources" section.



Thematic sections of the exhibition:

1. Bionics. Biomimetics

2. Bionic technologies for medicine

3. Neurobionics. Information technology

4. Bionics for engineering and architecture


1. Bionics. Biomimetics


1. Д10-18/59211

Алиева, Н. З.

Проблемы современной фундаментальной науки : учебное пособие / Н. З. Алиева, Д. В. Русляков, О. Б. Тихонова ; Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации, Институт сферы обслуживания и предпринимательства (филиал) Донского государственного технического университета в г. Шахты Ростовской области (ИСОиП (филиал) ДГТУ в г. Шахты). – Шахты : ИСОиП (фил.) ДГТУ в г. Шахты, 2018. – 160 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 159-160 (36 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-906786-72-2. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook describes in detail the main problems of fundamental science, which is traditionally correlated with natural science. Any scientific discoveries and new technologies are necessarily based on the provisions of fundamental science. An example of this is synergetics, cosmology, nanotechnology, biomimetics, the foundations of which were laid by many areas of fundamental research.


2. Д9-08/43301

Бекренев, В. Л.

Кибернетическое моделирование глобальных систем / В. Л. Бекренев. – Москва : ЦНИИатоминформ, 2008. – 144 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 144 (26 назв.). – ISBN 5-87911-157-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book discusses a wide range of issues related to the creation and use of human-machine methods and tools for describing and modeling complex (global) systems of nature using a new cybernetic apparatus. The mechanism of spatial interaction of nature systems used as a universal component of computer-aided design of various processes is considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the problem of formalization and synthesis of interdisciplinary knowledge of specialists in a single virtual space. The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in information, analytical and management technologies.


3. Д9-07/37442

Боксер, О. Я.

Узловые методологические и психофизиологические проблемы исследования функциональных биотехнических систем : синергетический и системный подходы / О. Я. Боксер, Э. В. Сергеев. – Москва; Шуя : Весть, 2007 (Шуя (Иван. обл.)). – 106 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 94-103 ( 114 назв. ). – ISBN 978-5-86229-116-2. – В надзаг. : Рос. акад. естественных наук, Современная гуманитарная акад., Шуйский гос. пед. ун-т. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph is devoted to theoretical, experimental and applied issues of the concept of functional biotechnical systems – a new promising direction in the system analysis of purposeful human activity. The issues of synergetics, self-organization, biofeedback, systemquants of vital activity, synergetic modeling of the functionality of biotechnical systems, stability reactionometry are considered. It is intended for professional and novice specialists in the field of psychophysiology, philosophy, neurophysiology, theoretical physics, cybernetics and other branches of knowledge where a systematic approach is effectively applied.


4. М/71188/7

Гаазе-Рапопорт, М. Г.

От амебы до робота. Модели поведения / М. Г. Гаазе-Рапопорт, Д. А. Поспелов. – 4-е изд., стер. – Москва : URSS : ЛЕНАНД, 2019. – 294, [1] с. : ил. – (Науки об искусственном. № 7) – Библиогр. : с. 280-286. – Указ.: с. 287-293. – ISBN 978-5-9710-6371-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: In this book, the principles of constructing behavioral models determined by both purely physiological needs and the environment surrounding the body are presented from a unified position. Is there anything in common in the behavior of animals and humans? How can the science of the behavior of living organisms be useful in creating artificial systems endowed with elements of reason? The answers to these and similar questions form the main content of this book.


5. М/73280/1

Кричевский, Г. Е.

Зелёные и природоподобные технологии – основа устойчивого развития цивилизации, для будущих поколений : [в 3-х томах] / Г. Кричевский. – Москва : Грин Принт, 2019 – . – Загл. обл. : Зелёные и природоподобные технологии – основа устойчивого развития для будущих поколений. – ISBN 978-5-6042765-7-0. – Текст : непосредственный.

Кн. 1 : Основы "Зелёных технологий", "Зелёная химия", Ренессанс природных полимеров и красителей, Бионика, "Зелёная энергетика". – 2019. – 415 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце гл. – ISBN 978-5-6042765-6-3.

Abstract: The sections are presented: What is sustainable development?; The sum of technologies from the origin of living matter to the present and beyond; The basics of "Green Technologies"; "Green Chemistry"; The Renaissance of natural dyes; Structural (pigment-free) coloring; Bionics. We learn wisdom from nature. "Green energy".


6. Д10-19/66304

Леонович, А. А.

Бионика: подсказано природой : [для среднего школьного возраста] / А. А. Леонович. – Москва : Аванта : Изд-во АСТ, 2019. – 254, [1] с. : ил. – (Простая наука для детей). – Авт. указ. на обороте тит. л. – ISBN 978-5-17-110467-2. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Airplanes rise above all birds, bathyscaphes dive deeper than almost all fish and marine animals, cars overtake any animals. But scientists and designers are constantly studying the features of wildlife that would allow machines and mechanisms not only to break records, but also to move and work as smoothly, gracefully, noiselessly and harmlessly as it is possible, for example, dolphins or dragonflies. From the book "Bionics: prompted by nature" you will learn a lot about technical inventions and unusual abilities of animals. For a wide range of readers.


7. Лойко А. И.

Бионика как техногенная модификация коэволюционной динамики / А. И. Лойко, Е. Б. Якимович. – Text : electronic // Bulletin of the Belarusian National Technical University. – 2011. – № 1. – С.68-71. – URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25684669 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode : for authorization. users.

Abstract: The phenomenon of bionics and the opportunities that open up in this interdisciplinary field in the light of solving the problems of coevolutionary methodology are investigated.

8. М/63322/1

Метелев, А. Е.

Теоретические основы нанотехнологической биокибернетики : в 2-х т. / А. Е. Метелев, С. Е. Метелев. – Омск : Максимум, 2007 – . – В надзаг. : Ом. ин-т (фил.) Рос. гос. торгово-экон. ун-та. – Текст : непосредственный.

Т. 1 : Наноэнергия и биокибернетика. – 2007. – 382 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 338-345. – ISBN 978-5-903346-08-0.

Abstract: The monograph examines the processes of cybernetic influence on living organisms by matter with linear dimensions from 0.1 to 415nm. The authors focus on optimal temperature and time regimes of stress effects on living organisms, intensifying their growth and development, death and mummification, the operation of the quadrangular pyramid apparatus as the substance of all living and inanimate on Earth, on which non-traditional pyramidal electric current generators, aircraft, shooting electronic atoms (emitters), accelerators of charged particles are based. Methodological problems of bioenergetic assessment of technological processes and bioenergetic efficiency of existing technologies are investigated, the basic equation of the development of living things is derived, the values of the reference (established by nature) coefficient of bioenergetic efficiency of technologies and the rate of profit of production are determined, the methodology of coordinating pricing in the economy as part of wildlife is substantiated and proposed. All the dynamic systems under study are considered as objects of nanotechnological biocybernetics - the science of manipulating the nanoeffect of electrons moving at a certain speed and the accompanying Louis de Broglie waves on morphological and genetic processes in the cells of living organisms. The monograph is intended both for scientists, specialists, teachers, students, postgraduates, and for a wide range of readers, because the non-traditional issues raised in it are relevant, problematic and require independent creative reading and comprehension.


9. Ар17-4529

Михалева, М. Г.

Суперспирализованные анизометрические фазы в системах биомиметиков и целлюлозе : специальность 03.01.02, 03.01.08 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук / М. Г. Михалева. – Москва, 2017. – 26 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 24-26. – Текст : непосредственный.


10. Скурлатова, М. В.

Бионика как связь природы и техники / М. В. Скурлатова. – Text : electronic // Young scientist. – 2015. – № 10 (90). – С. 1283-1289. – URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/90/18343/ (дата обращения: 24.01.2022).

Abstract: This article is an observation and study of the functions and features of individual systems and organs of living organisms (for example: nervous system, heart or skin) to use the knowledge gained as a basis for creating the latest technical achievements: vehicles; computing, etc. The study of the bioenergetic potential of living organisms to create engines based on them; capable of acting like muscles; in order to use this to save electricity. The study of biochemical synthesizing processes for the development of chemical industries, as well as for the production of new detergents and medicines. Such a science as bionics does not stand still, despite its young age. This science has already been able to reach unprecedented heights, and it may take another couple of years when it will be able to solve any complex technical, medical and bioenergetic problems. At least bionics can give hope, and it costs a lot.

11. Д9-11/83703

Теоретические основы компьютерного наноинжиниринга биомиметических наносистем / М. С. Жуковский [и др.]. – Томск : Изд-во науч.-техн. лит., 2011 (Томск). – 233 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 218-228 (167 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-89503-473-6. – В надзаг. : Алтайский гос. ун-т, Томский гос. ун-т, Алтайский гос. техн. ун-т, Сиб. физ.-техн. ун-т ТГУ. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The physicochemical fundamentals of computer nanoengineering of biomimetic nanosystems are developed and presented, methods for studying quantum femtosecond relaxation processes of self-organization and self-assembly of biomimetic nanoparticles are considered. Using the example of various biomimetic systems, the possibilities of using biomimetic nanoparticles to create new classes of nanodevices with adaptive properties are demonstrated.


12. М/57552/1

Федоров, В. И.

Принципы организации и функционирования живых систем : учебное пособие / В. И. Федоров. – Новосибирск : [б. и.], 20 – . – В надзаг. : Новосиб. гос. техн. ун-т. – Текст : непосредственный.

Ч. 1 : Кибернетические основы организации и функционирования сложных систем. – 2000. – 88 с. : ил.

Abstract: This manual outlines the basic concepts of cybernetics necessary for understanding the patterns of organization and functioning of living systems. The material is illustrated with available examples from biology and medicine.


13. Ар17-6176

Эль-Хатиб, С. А. И.

Разработка и исследование методов сегментации изображений с применением бионических моделей : специальность 05.13.17 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук / С. А. И. Эль-Хатиб. – Таганрог, 2017. – 22 с. – Библиогр. : с. 21-22 (15 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


14. Daumann, L. J.

Spectroscopic and Mechanistic Studies of Dinuclear Metallohydrolases and Their Biomimetic Complexes / L. J. Daumann. – Electronic text data. – Cham [etc.] : Springer Intern., 2014. – 239 p. – (Springer theses, ISSN 2190-5061). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-319-06629-5. – URL: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-06629-5 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Lena Daumanns's thesis describes structural and functional studies of the enzyme Glycerophosphodiesterase (GpdQ) from Enterobacter aerogenes. It also examines the properties of small mimics of this enzyme and related binuclear metallohydrolases such as the metallo-ß-lactamases to enhance our understanding of hydrolytic cleavage of important substrates like phosphoesters and β-lactams. Overall, this project has led to a better understanding of the metal ion binding and active site structural features of the enzyme GpdQ. Daumann describes how she successfully immobilized phosphoesterase and related biomimetics on solid supports for potential applications in the area of bioremediation of organophosphate pesticides. Analysis shows that both the enzyme and biomimetics can be stored on the solid support without loss of activity. Furthermore, the author specroscopically and mechanistically characterized a number of Zn(II), Cd(II) and Co(II) complexes, some of which are among the most active biomimetics towards organophosphates reported to date. This thesis makes excellent reading for non-specialists because each chapter includes a short introduction section.

15. Materials design inspired by nature: function through inner architecture / ed.: P. Fratzl [et al.]. – Electronic text data. – Cambridge [etc.] : RSC publ., 2013. – 401 p. – (RSC smart materials, ISSN 2046-0066 ; n 4). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-1-84973-755-5. – URL: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/ebook/978-1-84973-553-7 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The inner architecture of a material can have an astonishing effect on its overall properties and is vital to understand when designing new materials. Nature is a master at designing hierarchical structures and so researchers are looking at biological examples for inspiration, specifically to understand how nature arranges the inner architectures for a particular function in order to apply these design principles into man-made materials. Materials Design Inspired by Nature is the first book to address the relationship between the inner architecture of natural materials and their physical properties for materials design. The book explores examples from plants, the marine world, arthropods and bacteria, where the inner architecture is exploited to obtain specific mechanical, optical or magnetic properties along with how these design principles are used in man-made products. Details of the experimental methods used to investigate hierarchical structures are also given. Written by leading experts in bio-inspired materials research, this is essential reading for anyone developing new materials.

16. Nachtigall, W.

Bionik als Wissenschaft : Erkennen – Abstrahieren – Umsetzen / W. Nachtigall. – Electronic text data. – Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2010. – 219 p. – ISBN 978-3-642-10320-9. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10320-9 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Der Begriff „BIONIK“ wird gerne als Kunstwort gekennzeichnet, zusammengesetzt aus BIOlogie und TechNIK. Bionik stellt einerseits ein Fach dar, in dem geforscht und ausgebildet wird, und kennzeichnet andererseits eine Sichtweise, nämlich die des „Lernens von der Natur für die Technik“. Darüber sind in der Zwischenzeit neben populär wissenschaftlichen Werken eine Reihe von Fachbüchern erschienen. Werner Nachtigall hat darin mit der 2. Auflage seines bei Springer erschienenen Buchs „BIONIK – Grundlagen und Beispiele für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler“ einen Meilenstein gesetzt. In diesem Buch kennzeichnet er die Untergliederung des Fachs und bespricht detailliert dessen Forschungsgegenstände. Dagegen fehlte bislang eine Darstellung, die sich mit den erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen wie mit der pragmatischen Vorgehensweise der Bionik systematisch befasst, die ja mit der ihr eigenen Prinzip-Abstraktion zwischen der belebten Welt als Vor-Bild und der technischen Umsetzung als Ab-Bild vermitteln will. Das vorliegende Werk schließt diese Lücke mit drei großen Abschnitten: Biologische Basis: Erforschen, Beschreiben, Beurteilen. – Abstraktion biologischer Befunde: Herausarbeiten allgemeiner Prinzipien. – Umsetzung in die Technik: Prinzipvergleich, Konzeptuelles, Vorgehensweise.

17. Nachtigall, W.

Bionics by Examples : 250 Scenarios from Classical to Modern Times / W. Nachtigall, A. Wisser. – Electronic text data. – Cham : Springer, 2015. – 325 p. – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-319-05858-0. – URL: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-05858-0#about (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Bionics means learning from the nature for the development of technology. The science of "bionics" itself is classified into several sections, from materials and structures over procedures and processes until evolution and optimization. Not all these areas, or only a few, are really known in the public and also in scientific literature. This includes the Lotus-effect, converted to the contamination-reduction of fassades and the shark-shed-effect, converted to the resistance-reduction of airplanes. However, there are hundreds of highly interesting examples that contain the transformation of principles of the nature into technology. From the large number of these examples, 250 were selected for the present book according to "prehistory", "early-history", "classic" and "modern time". Most examples are new. Every example includes a printed page in a homogeneous arrangement. The examples from the field "modern time" are joint in blocks corresponding to the sub-disciplines of bionics.

18. Potentials and trends in biomimetics / A. Gleich [et al.]. – Electronic text data. – Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2010. – 184 p. – ISBN 978-3-642-05246-0. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-05246-0 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: There is a wide consensus about the necessity of sustainable development. There is also a consensus that wide areas of our economy, industry, and technology and the life styles in industrialized countries are not susta- able. Science and technology are widely regarded as (main) causes for this situation. Issues in this context comprise the generally low resource efciency, an increased and mostly undebated technological power, an – creased invasiveness of modern technologies, increasing amounts and – versity of pollutants, and high technological risks. On the other hand science and technology are also regarded as (main) solution providers towards more sustainability. Thus the question is which type of science and technology is rather a part of the problem, and which type is rather a part of the solution? ‘Learning from nature’ may give some orientation in this context. B- mimetics and bionics are widely regarded as being a part of the solution.

19. Robot Fish / ed. Ruxu Du [et al.]. – Electronic text data. – Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2015. – 377 p. – (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 2195-9870). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-662-46870-8. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-46870-8. – URL: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-46870-8#editorsandaffiliations (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: This book provides a comprehensive coverage on robot fish including design, modeling and optimization, control, autonomous control and applications. It gathers contributions by the leading researchers in the area. Readers will find the book very useful for designing and building robot fish, not only in theory but also in practice. Moreover, the book discusses various important issues for future research and development, including design methodology, control methodology, and autonomous control strategy. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students in the fields of robotics, ocean engineering and related areas.


2. Bionic technologies for medicine


20. Ар16-2305

Ахмедова, Ш. А.

Коллективный самонастраивающийся метод оптимизации на основе бионических алгоритмов : специальность 05.13.01 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук / Ш. А. Ахмедова. – Красноярск, 2016. – 18 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 15-18 (28 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


21. Д9-11/77074

Бегун, П. И.

Биомеханическое моделирование объектов протезирования : учебное пособие / П. И. Бегун. – Санкт-Петербург : Политехника, 2011 (СПб.). – 463 с. : ил. – (Учебное пособие для вузов). – Библиогр. : с. 455-460. – ISBN 978-5-7325-0914-4. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook is compiled in accordance with state educational standards for the preparation of masters in the program "Biotechnical systems and technologies for human and environmental management" in the profile "Biotechnical systems and technologies in prosthetics and rehabilitation". The textbook outlines the theoretical foundations of mathematical and physical modeling of prosthetics objects and methods of their modeling using application software packages in various fields of medical activity: cardiology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, urology, herniology, neurology.


22. Ж2-11/53023

Волова, Т. Г.

Разрушаемые биополимеры: получение, свойства, применение / Т. Г. Волова, Е. И. Шишацкая; научный редактор Э. Д. Сински. – Красноярск : [б. и.], 2011. – 389 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце глав. – ISBN 978-5-98997-059-9. – В надзаг. : Сиб. федерал. ун-т, Ин-т биофизики Сиб. отд-ния Рос. АН. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph is devoted to the generalization of the literature data and the authors' results on the biotechnology of polyhydroxyalkanoates –PHA) - biocompatible and biodegradable polymers promising for use in various fields. An idea of modern trends in the production and consumption of synthetic plastics and bioplastics is given. The new results of the authors obtained during the research and development of technologies for the synthesis of PHA, new substrates, studies of properties, destructibility in real natural conditions in ecosystems of varying complexity and structure are summarized. Attention is paid to new areas of application of PHA - the construction of matrices for the deposition of drugs and cellular technologies. Examples of the medical potential of PHA are given.


23. Д10-20/83726

Григорьева, З. Р.

Основы прикладной антропологии и биомеханики : учебное пособие / З. Р. Григорьева ; Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет. – Уфа : Изд-во УГНТУ, 2020. – 100 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 99 (15 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-7831-2014-5. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook discusses the elements of plastic and normal anatomy, information about anthropomorphological features that determine the external shape of the human body, and biomechanical fundamentals of human movement control. The topics and content of laboratory work, control and term papers, as well as questions for independent work and intermediate certification are presented. It is intended for the training of students in secondary vocational education programs – the program for the training of qualified workers, employees in the profession of "Builder" and higher education in the field of training "Designing light industry products".


24. Д4/31970

Демирчоглян, Г. Г.

Бионические информационные системы зрения / Г. Г. Демирчоглян, Г. П. Катыс ; Академия наук Армянской ССР, Отделение биологических наук. Лаборатория зрительной рецепции. – Ереван : Изд-во АН Арм. ССР, 1974. – 154 с. : ил. – Парал. тит. л. арм. – Библиогр. : с. 151-153 (31 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The visual systems of various animals and humans are considered as unique biological information systems with specific features inherent only to them.


25. Д10-21/89740

Иванов, Д. В.

Биомеханическое моделирование : монография / Д. В. Иванов, А. В. Доль ; Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского, Кафедра математической теории упругости и биомеханики. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – Саратов : Амирит, 2021. – 249 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 241-249. – ISBN 978-5-00140-752-2. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph can be useful to anyone who is interested in biomechanical modeling and its application to solving real scientific and practical problems. For students, masters, postgraduates and engineering and technical workers specializing in computational mechanics, biomechanics.


26. Ж2-09/46154

Карасев, В. А.

Введение в конструирование бионических наносистем / В. А. Карасев, В. В. Лучинин. – Москва : Физматлит, 2009 (Чебоксары). – 463 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце глав. – ISBN 978-5-9221-1047-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The purpose of the monograph is to familiarize a wide range of readers with the basic concepts necessary to solve engineering problems in the field of nanobioelectronics. A systematic approach focused on the integration of physicotechnical and molecular biology directions in the study of nanobiosystems is presented. The concept of conjugated ion-hydrogen bond systems is described as the basis for the construction of bioorganic nanostructures and charge transfer channels, as well as its application to the construction of structural and functional models of nanobiostructures (catalysts, membranes and nanosensors). The theory of topological coding of chain polymers is presented, including ideas about the topological code, a system of physical operators and a molecular vector machine. The spatial structures of the genetic code and the canonical set of amino acids are proposed, the principles of creating sets of basic modules for self-organizing chain polymers are formulated. The possibilities of designing sensors, polymer catalysts and other biotechnical nanosystems, as well as medical therapy tools on this basis are discussed.


27. Д10-18/66569

Компьютерная обработка биомедицинских изображений и сигналов в среде Matlab : учебное пособие / К. В. Сидоров, И. А. Ребрун, А. А. Рачишкин, А. В. Кирсанова ; Минобрнауки России, Тверской государственный технический университет (ТвГТУ). – Тверь : Тверской гос. технический ун-т, 2018. – 107 с. : ил. – Авт. указ. в вып. дан. – Библиогр. : с. 101-104 (54 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-7995-0996-5. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: It is intended for the formation of programming skills in the Matlab environment focused on the tasks of computer processing and analysis of biomedical images and signals. The study of the manual will allow you to form competencies related to the use of computer skills and the development of general principles and tools necessary to create correct software applications in the Matlab environment, as well as to deepen the understanding of the processes of digital processing and analysis of biomedical information of diagnostic significance and the development of application software for medical biotechnical systems. All sections of the manual are provided with relevant examples and illustrations, including program code written in the Matlab environment, as well as a description of structures and algorithms. The presented examples contribute to the acquisition of experience in solving applied problems.


28. М/16400/37 за 2021 г.

Методы управления движением искусственной мышцы и экзоскелета верхней части тела на ее основе / М. А. Чумичев, Д. М. Мартьянов, А. П. Алисейчик [и др.]. – Москва : ИПМ им. М. В. Келдыша РАН, 2021. – 24 с. : ил. – (Препринт / Институт прикладной математики имени М. В. Келдыша Российской академии наук (Москва), ISSN 2071-2898 ; 37 за 2021 г.). – Библиогр. : с. 22-23 (15 назв.). – DOI 10.20948/prepr-2021-37. – DOI 10.20948/prepr-2021-37. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: This article shows the synthesis of an active drive control strategy. The exoskeleton of the upper body is considered, used to relieve the load from the muscles of the shoulder joint during prolonged work with arms raised above the head or at chest level. At the first stage, the problem of optimal control of an artificial pneumatic muscle as part of an exoskeleton is solved in order to implement a predetermined traction force function in the presence of mechanical limitations. At the second stage, the optimal control problem is described when lifting gravity from zone "A" to zone "B", while pulse control is considered. The work describes the analysis and possibilities of determining the optimal process of controlling the movement of the exoskeleton with minimal energy consumption, both without taking into account and taking into account the forces applied by the operator.


29. Ж2-12/54155

Нанобиотехнология биомиметических мембран / перевод с английского ; под редакцией Д. К. Мартина ; научное редактирование русского издания Ю. П. Ямпольского, Г. П. Ямпольской ; Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова. Научно-образовательный центр по нанотехнологиям. – Москва : Науч. Мир, 2012. – 214 с. : ил. – (Фундаментальные основы нанотехнологий: исследования и разработки). – Библиогр. в конце разд., с. 209-210 (20 назв.). – Пер. изд.: Nanobionechnology of biomimetic membranes. – S.l., 2007. – В надзаг. : МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, Науч.-образоват. центр по нанотехнологиям. – ISBN 978-5-91522-230-3. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Nanobiotechnology of biomimetic membranes: a role in biomedical research. Langmuir-Blodgett method for the synthesis of biomimetic lipid membranes. Liposomal techniques for the synthesis of biomimetic lipid membranes. Characterization and analysis of biomimetic membranes. Biosensory applications of biomimetic membranes.


30. У1389/2012/11

Николелис, М.

Силой мысли / Мигель Николелис. – Текст : непосредственный // В мире науки – 2012. – № 11. – С. 44-51.

Abstract: Imagine that someday people who are paralyzed and immobilized will still be able to control their limbs solely through mental effort – and this is not Hollywood fantasies at all.

31. Д10-15/37543

Организация движений: произвольная непроизвольность или непроизвольная произвольность : монография / О. Е. Филатова [и др.] ; Тульский государственный университет [и др.]. – Тула : Изд-во ТулГУ, 2015. – 271 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 249-269 (233 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-7679-3297-9. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Postural tremor and tapping have always been considered as examples of involuntary and voluntary movements, respectively. However, from the standpoint of biomechanics and chaos-self-organization theory, both of these movements cannot be considered arbitrary movements, since they are performed involuntarily from a mechanical point of view and from the standpoint of chaos–self-organization theory, their characteristics (tremorograms and teppingrams) are unique and inimitable. In other words, it is impossible to repeat the trajectory or the tapping on the segment Δt, N. A. drew attention to this for the first time. Bernstein in 1947.A new approach is proposed for such unique systems that are not deterministic chaos. Compartment-cluster models of such complex systems have been developed. The book is intended for a wide range of readers: biomechanics, biophysicists, physiologists, psychophysiologists (when using tremor and tapping during testing).


32. Д10-20/81755

Попова, О. В.

Тело как территория технологий от социальной инженерии к этике биотехнологического конструирования / О. В. Попова ; Российская академия наук, Институт философии. – Москва : Канон-плюс, 2020. – 335 с. – (Независимый альянс). – Библиогр. : с. 322-333 (235 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-88373-656-7. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: In O. V. Popova's monograph "The body as the territory of technologies. From social engineering to the ethics of biotechnological design" presents a study of the problem of the human body in the context of the development of social and biomedical technologies. The logic of the research is due, firstly, to an attempt to problematize the concepts of "body", "physicality" in the history of philosophical thought, secondly, to consider the social and biotechnological construction of physicality in closed spaces: the army environment and concentration camps, on the territory of laboratories and intensive care units, thirdly, to explore the project of the body of an improved, enhanced Human enhancement technologies. The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in modern social and ethical-philosophical problems of the development of science and technology.


33. Ар20-2815

Потапенков, К. В.

Новые нанокомпозитные мембранные везикулы и их активация внешними физическими воздействиями : специальность 03.01.08 – "Биоинженерия" : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук / Потапенков Кирилл Васильевич ; Московский государственный университет им. М. В. Ломоносова. – Москва, 2020. – 24 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 23-24. – Текст : непосредственный.


34. Д10-20/80702

Родин, Ю. И.

Биомеханика двигательной активности : учебное пособие / Ю. И. Родин, М. В. Куликова ; Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Московский педагогический государственный университет. – Москва : МПГУ, 2020. – 138, [1] с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 135-137 (40 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-4263-0883-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook reveals modern ideas about the mechanical laws of human movement. The authors proceeded from the understanding of the phenomenon of human motor activity as a process of modeling the necessary future in the form of a task of motor action and its implementation in constantly changing environmental conditions.


35. Д10-21/89102

Фомин, А. А.

Плазменное напыление порошковых покрытий и электротермическая обработка титановых изделий : учебное пособие для студентов направлений подготовки 22.03.01 "Материаловедение и технологии материалов", 22.04.01 "Материаловедение и технологии материалов" (магистратура), 12.03.04 "Биотехнические системы и технологии", 12.04.04 "Биотехнические системы и технологии" (магистратура) / А. А. Фомин ; Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Саратовский государственный технический университет имени Гагарина Ю. А. – Саратов : Саратовский гос. технический ун-т им. Гагарина Ю. А., 2021. – 106, [1] с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце кн. (93 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-7433-3433-9. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook discusses methods for obtaining gas-thermal coatings on the surface of biocompatible metallic materials, as well as advanced technologies for electrothermal processing of titanium products. The physical foundations of the process of plasma spraying of powder materials are presented, typical solutions to the problems of heat and mass transfer in a plasma stream are given. The most important material of this textbook is a description of the methodology for obtaining high-quality gas-thermal porous coatings using preliminary induction heat treatment of products.


36. Д10-17/55384

Харченко, С. С.

Математическая электроакустическая модель псевдоголоса и программный комплекс голосовой реабилитации пациентов после ларингэктомии на основе бионических принципов / С. С. Харченко, Р. В. Мещеряков, Е. Ю. Костюченко ; Томский государственный университет систем управления и радиоэлектроники (ТУСУР), Кафедра комплексной и информационной безопасности электронно-вычислительных систем (КИБЭВС). – Томск : В-Спектр, 2017. – 95 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 88-95 (110 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-91191-372-4. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The paper presents a work aimed at improving the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures for the restoration of voice function in patients after laryngectomy by creating means for voice rehabilitation using positive audiovisual reinforcement based on bionic principles.


37. Ж2-18/66891

Цифровые технологии в эндопротезировании суставов кисти : монография / Г. П. Котельников, А. В. Колсанов, А. Н. Николаенко, Н. В. Попов ; Самарский государственный медицинский университет Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации ; Самарский государственный медицинский университет. – Санкт-Петербург : ЭЛБИ-СПб, 2018. – 204, [1] с. : ил. – Авт. на тит. л. не указ. – Библиогр. : с. 181-204 (311 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-6042515-0-8. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph proves the possibility of using a fundamentally new technology in clinical practice for the creation of bionic endoprostheses, which reflects the general direction of research towards copying living systems and which has good prospects for development and is, in fact, a new direction in traumatology and orthopedics.


38. Д10-14/32097

Экзоскелеты: анализ конструкций, классификация, принципы создания, основы моделирования : монография / С. Ф. Яцун [и др.]. – Курск : ЮЗГУ, 2014. – 148 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 131-148 (175 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-9907949-8-6. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph presents the results of research carried out within the framework of the scientific project of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Creation of a research laboratory of modern methods and robotic systems to improve the human environment" No. 14-39-00008 on the scientific priority "Integrated scientific research to improve the human environment". A comprehensive review of the mechanisms and methods of gravitational compensation is given, structural features of the mechanisms are described; a mathematical model of the exoskeleton antagonist muscles is presented. Special attention is paid to the automatic control system that ensures the movement of the exoskeleton links along specified trajectories under the action of control moments. A prototype of an exoskeleton for patient verticalization was developed and manufactured, and field experiments were performed. It is intended for engineering and technical workers dealing with robotics issues, as well as students and postgraduates.


39. Д10-17/52690

Экзоскелеты: моделирование движения экзоскелета нижних конечностей с учетом физиологических особенностей пациента : [монография] / С. Ф. Яцун [и др.]. – Курск : Юго-Зап. гос. ун-т : Унив. кн., 2017. – 197 с. : ил. – Загл. обл. : Моделирование движения экзоскелета нижних конечностей с учетом физиологических особенностей пациента. – Библиогр. : с. 185-197 (96 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-9909299-9-9. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph presents the results of studies of human movement using exoskeletons of the "Exolite" series. A description of a distributed control software package for conducting field tests of exoskeletons of the "Exolite" series is given. The methods of using the exoskeleton "Exolite" to study human movement with the control of the main parameters of hemodynamics and energy efficiency are given. A mathematical model has been developed for studying human walking in an exoskeleton of the lower extremities, taking into account the features of the support surface.


40. Abayasiri, R. A. M.

An Under-Actuated Hand Prosthesis with Finger Abduction and Adduction for Human Like Grasps / R. A. M. Abayasiri et al. // 6th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR). – 2020. – P. 574-580. – DOI: 10.1109/ICCAR49639.2020.9107986. – URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9107986?arnumber=9107986 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Loss of a hand can severely limit the functions of Activities in Daily Living (ADL). Hand prostheses replace the missing hands and enable the lost hand functions. Dexterity of the hand prosthesis depends on the achievable finger motions by the hand prosthesis. However, the dexterity of a hand prosthesis is reduced due to the absence of the finger Abduction/ Adduction (Abd/ Add) motion. In this paper an active prosthetic hand is proposed with a novel mechanism for finger Abd/Add motion (except for the middle finger). The proposed under-actuated hand prosthesis has 15 Degrees of Freedom (DoF) designed to obtain flexion/ extension (F/E) motion for all five fingers, opposition/ reposition (Opp/Rep) of the thumb finger and compound Abd/ Add of four fingers. Furthermore, an EMG based prosthesis controller with Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network is used to control the proposed hand prosthesis. Experiments have been carried out to validate the effectiveness of the hand prosthesis in generating grasping patterns for ADL and to measure the effectiveness of the implemented prosthesis controller for different prosthesis users.

41. Aqueous lubrication. Natural and biomimetic approaches / ed. N. D. Spencer. – Electronic text data. – Singapore [etc.] : World sci., 2014. – 284 p. – (IISc research monographs series). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-981-4313-77-3. – URL: http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/7818 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Man lubricates mostly with oil. Nature lubricates exclusively with water. Pure water is a poor lubricant, but the addition of proteins, especially glycoproteins, can modify surfaces to make them far more lubricating at slow speeds. Understanding how nature does this, and the physical structures involved, is not only important for the understanding of diseases such as osteoarthritis, but also essential for the successful application of articulating implants, such as hips and knees, as well as the development of medical devices such as catheters and contact lenses. A host of important applications of water-based lubrication are already in place in the personal care and food industries, and further industrial applications of water-based lubrication could have a significant positive impact on the environment. This book is the first of its kind. It brings together the latest research in biological and biomimetic, water-based lubrication and is authored by the world's experts in the field.

42. Biggins, P. D. E.

Bio-inspired materials and sensing systems / P. D. E. Biggins, A. Kusterbeck, J. A. Hiltz. – Electronic text data. – Cambridge [etc.] : RSC publ., 2011. – 151 p. – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-1-84973-264-2. – URL: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/ebook/978-1-84973-121-8 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Can scientists and engineers replicate Nature and develop systems that operate in extreme environments? Bio-inspiration is an established concept which is developing to meet the needs of the many challenges we face particularly in defence and security. This book explores the potential of bio-inspired materials and sensing systems together with examples of how they are being implemented. It is not an exhaustive study of the subject but provides an overview of how bio-inspired or -derived approaches can be used to enhance components, systems and systems of systems for defence and security applications. Readers will gain an awareness of the complexity and versatility of bio-inspired components as well as an understanding of how these technologies can be applied in a variety of operational scenarios. Consideration is given to using a conceptual model that can be deployed in distributed or autonomous operations. Using this model, bio-inspiration with behavioural science plays a major role in identification, movement, searching strategies and pattern recognition for chemical and biological detection. Examples focus on both learning new things from nature that have application to the defence and security areas and adapting known discoveries for practical use by these communities. This graduate level monograph provides an increased awareness of the need for more sophisticated, networked sensors and systems in the defence and security communities and will be of interest to both specialists in this area and science and technology generalists.

43. vr=B751126

Biomacromolecules. – Electronic text data. – Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2000 – . – n. – Загл. с титул. экрана. – Выходит ежемесячно. – ISSN 1525-7797. – URL: http://pubs.acs.org/loi/bomaf6 (journal link) (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Interdisciplinary articles on the study of the interaction of macromolecules with biological systems and their environment, as well as biological approaches to the design of polymer materials, including nanomaterials: chemistry for sustainable development; monomers and polymers based on natural and renewable resources; polymer metabolism and degradation products; polymer conjugates; biocatalysis in vivo and in vitro; biomacromolecular ensembles, including nano-ensembles; biomimetics; biomineralization; bio-processing; biorecycling. Application: packaging and consumer products; coatings and adhesives; biomedical polymers; bio-inspired polymers; absorbable polymers; polymer drugs; biocompatible surfaces; multifunctional surfaces; tissue engineering; active surfaces; polymers for electronics, photonics, engineering.

44. Di Zhang

Morphology genetic materials templated from nature species / Di Zhang. – Electronic text data. – Berlin [etc.] : Springer, 2012. – 250 p. – (Advanced topics in science and technology, ISSN 1995-6819). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-642-24685-2. – URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-24685-2 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Morphology Genetic Materials Templated from Nature Species provides a comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of research on bio-inspired functional materials including materials science and engineering aspects of the fabrication, properties, and applications. The book discusses bio-inspired strategies integrating biotemplate, biomineralizaion, and biomimesis in nature, which are adopted to fabricate functional materials with hierarchical bio-architectures and interrelated outstanding performances, as well as valuable applications in photoelectricity, photonics, photocatalysis, chemical detection, bio-imaging, and photoelectron transfer components/devices.

45. Dragoman, D.

Bionanoelectronics. Bioinquiring and bioinspired devices / D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman. – Electronic text data. – Berlin [etc.] : Springer, 2012. – 254 p. – (NanoScience and technology, ISSN 1434-4904). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-642-25572-4. – URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-25572-4 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: This book presents the achievements in bionanoelectronics in a coherent manner. It deals with nanodevices applied to biostructures, molecular motors, molecular pumps, molecular nanoactuators and electronic biodevices, including nanodevices for sensing and imaging biomolcules. The book describes bionanoelectronics, detection of biomolecules and targets various biological applications such as detection and sequencing of DNA and early detection of various deseases and nanomedicine. Further important topics of the book are biomimetics and bioinspired electronics.The book also deals with biomolecules as building blocks of nanodevices for nanoelectronics or future computing architecture. The application of scanning probe techniques to biological samples is described.

46. Implantable neural prostheses 1 : devices and applications / ed.: D. Zhou, E. Greenbaum. – Electronic text data. – New York, NY : Springer-Verlag, 2009. – 383 p. – (Biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering, ISSN 1618-7210). – ISBN 978-0-387-77261-5. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-77261-5 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: This book and its companion volume describe state-of-the-art advances in techniques associated with implantable neural prosthetic devices and their applications. Researchers, engineers, clinicians, students, and any specialist in this field will gain a deeper understanding of the neural prosthetic techniques currently available for a wide range of biomedical applications. In part one of this two-volume sequence, Implantable Neural Prostheses 1: Devices and Applications, the focus is on implant designs and applications. Devices covered include sensory prosthetic devices such as cochlear implants, auditory midbrain implants, visual implants, spinal cord stimulators, and motor prosthetic devices including deep brain stimulators, Bions, and cardiac electro-stimulators. Readers will also understand the regulatory approval process in the U.S. and Europe for implantable medical devices.

47. Kang, I.

Real-Time Neural Network-Based Gait Phase Estimation Using a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton / I. Kang, P. Kunapuli and A. J. Young. – Electronic text data. // IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. – 2020. – V. 2, №1. – P. 28-37. – DOI: 10.1109/TMRB.2019.2961749. – URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8941004 (дата обращения: 14.09.2021). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Lower limb exoskeletons provide assistance during the gait cycle using a state variable, one in particular is gait phase. This is crucial for the exoskeleton controller to provide the user accurate assistance. Conventional methods often utilize an event marker to estimate gait phase by computing the average stride time. However, this strategy has limitations in adapting to dynamic speeds. We developed a sensor fusion-based neural network model to estimate the gait phase in real-time that can adapt to dynamic speeds ranging from 0.6 to 1.1 m/s. Ten able-bodied subjects walked with an exoskeleton using our estimator and were provided with corresponding torque assistance. Our best performing model had RMSE below 29 ms and 4% for real-time estimation and torque generation, respectively, reducing the estimation error by 36.0% (p <; 0.01) and torque error by 40.9% (p <; 0.001) compared to conventional methods. Our results indicate that creating a general user-independent model and additionally training on user-specific data outperforms the user-specific model and user-independent model. Our study validates the feasibility of using a sensor fusion-based machine learning model to accurately estimate the user's gait phase and improve the controllability of a lower limb exoskeleton.

48. Kim, Y. K.

Biomimetic Quadruped Robot with a Spinal Joint and Optimal Spinal Motion via Reinforcement Learning / Y. K. Kim, W. Seol & J. Park. – Electronic text data // Journal of Bionic Engineering. – 2021. – Vol 18. – P 1280–1290. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42235-021-00104-w (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Feline animals can run quickly using spinal joints as well as the joints that make up their four legs. This paper describes the development of a quadruped robot including a spinal joint that biomimics feline animals. The developed robot platform consists of four legs with a double 4-bar linkage type and one simplified rotary joint. In addition, Q-learning, a type of machine learning, was used to find the optimal motion profile of the spinal joint. The bounding gait was implemented on the robot system using the motion profile of the spinal joint, and it was confirmed that using the spinal joint can achieve a faster Center of Mass (CoM) forward speed than not using the spinal joint. Although the motion profile obtained through Q-learning did not exactly match the spinal angle of a feline animal, which is more multiarticular than that of the developed robot, the tendency of the actual feline animal spinal motion profile, which is sinusoidal, was similar.

49. Li, Hui

Design of a Minimally Actuated Lower Limb Exoskeleton with Mechanical Joint Coupling / Hongliu Yu, Yingwei Chen, Xinyi Tang, Duojin Wang, Qiaoling Meng, Qing Du. – Electronic text data // Journal of Bionic Engineering (2022). – Published 09 February 2022. – URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42235-021-00146-0 (дата обращения: 14.09.2021).

Abstract: Powered lower limb exoskeletons have traditionally used four or more powered joints to provide ambulation assistance for individuals with spinal cord injury. Exoskeletons with numerous powered joints commonly lost some excellent features of passive orthoses and further decreased utility due to added weight and increased control complexity. This work adopts joints coupling mechanism to design a powered exoskeleton to minimize the number of actuated joints and control complexity. Unlike conventional powered exoskeletons, the joint-coupled-powered exoskeleton only has a single motor-actuated joint for each exoskeleton leg in conjunction with a unique knee coupled system to enable their users to walk, sit, and stand. And two types of joint coupled systems are designed, respectively, hip-knee coupled and knee-ankle coupled. The joint-coupled-powered exoskeleton system allows a single actuator to power the hip motion, and allows activate knee motion through the coupled motions of the hip or ankle. More specifically, when the mechanical coupled system is activated, the knee joint is unlocked, resulting in synchronized hip-knee or ankle-knee flexion and extension. The coupling mechanism is switched on and off at specific phases of the gait (the stance phase and the swing phase) to generate the desired motions. The research work proves that minimal actuated robotic systems with joint coupled could achieve safe and natural walking.

50. Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Volume 7 : proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics / ed. F. Barthelat [et al.]. – Electronic text data. – Cham : Springer, 2015. – 88 p. – (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, ISSN 2191-5652). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-319-06974-6. – URL: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-06974-6#about (дата обращения: 14.09.2021). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Volume 7: Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the seventh volume of eight from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering.  The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of areas, including: Soft Tissues Mechanics, Natural Materials & Bio-Inspiration, Tissue Engineering, Cells Mechanics.

51. Pal, S.

Design of Artificial Human Joints & Organs / S. Pal. – Electronic text data. – Boston, MA : Springer, 2014. – 419 p. – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-1-4614-6255-2. – URL: https://link.springer.com/search?query=978-1-4614-6255-2 (дата обращения: 14.09.2021). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Design of Artificial Human Joints & Organs is intended to present the basics of the normal systems and how, due to aging, diseases or trauma, body parts may need to be replaced with manmade materials. The movement of the body generates forces in various work situations and also internally at various joints, muscles and ligaments. It is essential to figure out the forces, moments, pressure etc to design replacements that manage these stresses without breaking down. The mechanical characterization of the hard and the soft tissues are presented systematically using the principles of solid mechanics. The viscoelastic properties of the tissue will also discussed. This text covers the design science and methodology from concept to blueprint to the final component being replaced. Each chapter will be a brief overview of various joint/organ replacement systems. Engineers working on artificial joints and organs, as well as students of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering are the main intended audience, however, the pedagogy is simple enough for those who are learning the subject for the first time.

52. Ruhunage, I.

Hybrid EEG-EMG Signals Based Approach for Control of Hand Motions of a Transhumeral Prosthesis / I. Ruhunage, S. Mallikarachchi, D. Chinthaka, J. Sandaruwan and T. D. Lalitharatne // 2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech). – 2019. – Р. 50-53. – DOI: 10.1109/LifeTech.2019.8883865. – URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8883865?arnumber=8883865 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Control of a trans-humeral prosthesis arm with non invasive methods is a major challenge, due to the lack of signal generation medium such as forearm muscles. Brain signals are an alternative non-invasive input that can be used to control upper limb prosthesis hands. A hybrid method of controlling hand motions of a transhumeral prosthesis with electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) signals is presented in this paper. The prosthesis use in this research consists of a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) prosthesis hand called UOMPro and 1 DOF elbow joint. In the proposed method, EEG motor imagery / motor movement related signals generate by users are classified using a neural network (NN) in order to select the hand gripping pattern. Opening and closing of the hand is then realized after classifications of EMG signals of bicep and triceps muscles. A set of experiments was carried out with healthy subjects to validate the overall system and the results are presented with potential future directions.

53. World congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering, September 7 – 12, 2009, Munich, Germany : Vol. 25/9 neuroengineering, neural systems, rehabilitation and prosthetics / ed. O. Dossel, W. C. Schlegel. – Electronic text data. – Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2009. – 595 p. – (IFMBE proceedings, ISSN 1680-0737 ; 25/9). – ISBN 978-3-642-03889-1. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-03889-1 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The World Congress 2009 on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering – the triennial scientific meeting of the IUPESM – is the world’s leading forum for presenting the results of current scientific work in health-related physics and technologies to an international audience. With more than 2,800 presentations it will be the biggest conference in the fields of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in 2009! Medical physics, biomedical engineering and bioengineering have been driving forces of innovation and progress in medicine and healthcare over the past two decades. As new key technologies arise with significant potential to open new options in diagnostics and therapeutics, it is a multidisciplinary task to evaluate their benefit for medicine and healthcare with respect to the quality of performance and therapeutic output. Covering key aspects such as information and communication technologies, micro- and nanosystems, optics and biotechnology, the congress will serve as an inter- and multidisciplinary platform that brings together people from basic research, R&D, industry and medical application to discuss these issues. As a major event for science, medicine and technology the congress provides a comprehensive overview and in–depth, first-hand information on new developments, advanced technologies and current and future applications.


3. Neurobionics. Information technology


54. Абрагин, А. В.

Перспективы развития и применения нейронных сетей / А. В. Абрагин. – Text : electronic // Problems of modern science and education. – 2015. – № 12. – С. 12-15. – ISSN 2304-2338. – URL: https://e.lanbook.com/journal/issue/297113 (дата обращения: 19.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: This article discusses: the essence of neural networks, their features of learning ability (architecture settings and synaptic connections). The author also identifies the prospects for the development of the application and use of artificial neural networks.

55. Д8-03/85835

Агеенко, И. Н.

Элементы архитектуры нейросистем / И. Н. Агеенко. – Ульяновск : ГСХА, 2003. – 189 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 180. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book is devoted to the study of the brain and its models. The concepts and principles of building neural systems with an unconventional architecture, different from the architecture of artificial neural networks and von Neumann-type machines, are formulated. Much attention is paid to the analysis of biological and technical memory systems, which is the main component of the brain. The perception of information and models of the external world, the description of knowledge using natural language, as well as the architecture of the main nodes and organs of neurosystems are investigated. For specialists in the field of computer science, mathematicians, physiologists, psychologists, linguists, biologists, as well as for readers interested in the problems of the brain and the creation of its technical analogues.


56. Д10-17/52496

Ахмедова, Ш. А.

Кооперативные бионические методы оптимизации : монография / Ш. А. Ахмедова, Е. С. Семенкин ; Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени М. Ф. Решетнева. – Красноярск : СибГУ им. М. Ф. Решетнева, 2017. – 159 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 142-155 (161 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-86433-728-8. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph describes a new algorithm based on the cooperation of swarm intelligence methods and its modifications designed to solve problems of one- and multi-criteria unconditional and conditional optimization with real or binary variables. The considered heuristics were applied to the automatic design of intelligent information technologies based on neural networks, support vector machines and fuzzy logic systems. The reliability and performance of the developed intelligent technologies are demonstrated in the course of solving practical problems of bank scoring, medical diagnostics, text categorization, management of real investments of machine-building enterprises and many others.


57. Д10-21/91362

Барский, А. Б.

Логические нейронные сети в интеллектуальных системах управления : учебное пособие / А. Б. Барский ; Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Московский физико-технический институт (национальный исследовательский университет) (МФТИ). – Москва : МФТИ, 2021. – 199 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 199 (8 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-7417-0772-2. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Methods and algorithms for solving the main problems of intelligent control using the apparatus of logical neural networks are proposed. Methods of solving problems are given: approximation of experimental data and construction of information and reference systems, recognition of objects and symbols, user recognition in a computer network, adaptive routing method in a transport network and communication network, construction of rating systems and banking monitoring systems, quality and reliability management of complex systems with an increased threat of targeted cyber attacks. Trainable and self-learning control systems are considered. The tasks of "live" modeling for responsive display and monitoring objects are discussed. The principles of building a neurocomputer are considered.


58. У3902/2021/2

Белов, М. П.

Синтез системы управления электроприводом экзоскелета с наблюдением и компенсацией возмущения с нейронной сетью / М. П. Белов, Д. Д. Чыонг. – Текст : непосредственный // Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет "ЛЭТИ" им. В. И. Ульянова (Ленина). Известия СПбГЭТУ "ЛЭТИ" : ежемесячный журнал. – 2021. – № 2. – С. 69-76. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISSN 2071-8985.

Abstract: A method is proposed for observing and compensating for an indeterminate disturbance of the exoskeleton electric drive control system, for which a mathematical model has been developed taking into account the nonlinearities and forces arising from the interaction of the exoskeleton with the lower limb of a person. To solve this problem, a proportional-differential (PD) controller is used together with an adaptive neural network RBF (Radial Basis Function) with a linear-quadratic controller. PD control is used for the stability of the main part of the model. The adaptive part of the controller is used to compensate for deviations of the system characteristics from the dominant linear model to improve system performance. The advantages of using the proposed regulator include a qualitative increase in the stability of the system. The proposed control scheme ensures the limitation of the system states and the evaluation of parameters. The results of modeling in MatLab/Simulink show that the proposed PD-linear quadratic controller using a neural network with adaptive compensation is more effective than a conventional PD-linear quadratic controller.

59. Ж2-20/69221

Биомедицинские сигналы и изображения в цифровом здравоохранении: хранение, обработка и анализ : учебное пособие / В. С. Кубланов, А. Ю. Долганов, В. Б. Костоусов [и др.] ; под общей редакцией В. С. Кубланова ; Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина, Институт радиоэлектроники и информационных технологий – РТФ. – Екатеринбург : Изд-во Уральского ун-та, 2020. – 239 с. : ил. – Авт. указ. на обороте тит. л. – Библиогр. : с. 230-239 (124 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-7996-2990-8. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The manual contains modern practical recommendations on mathematical methods of analysis of biomedical signals and images. Methods of digital processing of biomedical signals and images are presented taking into account the specific features of signals of biological origin and are considered on specific examples illustrating their practical application. The main attention is paid to working with existing databases of biomedical signals, as well as methods of conducting their own functional research.


60. М/57178/33

Биомолекулярные нейросетевые устройства : учеб. пособие для студентов по направлению подгот. бакалавров и магистров "Приклад. математика и физика" / под редакцией Н. Г. Рамбиди. – Москва : [б. и.], 2002. – 223 с. : ил. – (Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение ; кн. 33). – ISBN 5-93108-014-7. – Библиогр. : с.211-223 (239 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book presents modern ideas about the possibilities of implementing neural network devices based on the principles that determine the processing of information by biomolecular and biological objects. The rich author's experimental material on the study of neural network devices based on bacteriorhodospin is presented, devices based on reaction-diffusion media are considered. The possibilities of their effective use for solving problems of high computational complexity are demonstrated.


61. Д9-11/79283

Бионические информационные системы и их практические применения / Т. С. Ахромеева [и др.] ; под редакцией Л. А. Зинченко [и др.] – Москва : Физматлит, 2011 (Вологда). – 286 с. : ил. – (Проблемы искусственного интеллекта). – Авт. указ. в вып. дан. – Библиогр. в конце глав. – ISBN 978-5-9221-1302-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: This book is devoted to information systems based on bionic principles implemented in the form of computational intelligence methods. Many of the presented results are new, include an analysis of the current state of a number of sections of computational intelligence and have been obtained over the past few years. The issues of practical application of these methods for solving the problems of computer-aided CAD design of micro- and nanosystems and computer networks and the development of intelligent information systems and decision support systems are also considered. The book is intended to partially fill the existing gap in the coverage of the research of Russian scientists in the field of development and application of information systems based on methods of computational intelligence. It is designed for specialists in the field of evolutionary computing, artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic.


62. Д10-13/2771

Бобровников, Л. В.

Нейросинергетика живого движения / Л. В. Бобровников. – Москва : Рос. акад. естеств. наук, 2013. – 145 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 132-143. – ISBN 978-5-91506-051-6. – В надзаг. : Рос. акад. естеств. наук, Отд-ние психофизиологии. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: One of the undoubted advantages of modern computers is the potential possibility of their use as control systems for various power plants, such as hydroelectric power plants, nuclear icebreakers, airplanes, etc. They are already doing it and doing it very well. But are computers capable of managing technical devices as effectively, the structural and functional organization of which is similar to the organization of human and animal limbs? Today we can confidently give a negative answer to this question. And the reason is not the weakness of the information capacities of modern computers. This is due to the peculiarities of the normal physiology of the executive organs themselves – the organs of the implementation of "live movement", which is fundamentally uncontrollable not only by computers, but in general by any other systems focused on command methods of interaction with the motor periphery. The book discusses a number of new biotechnical approaches developed in recent years that open up the possibility of practical solutions to such problems.


63. Д10-20/90555

Бодякин, В. И.

Нейросемантика. Информационно-управляющие системы. Искусственный разум : научные труды / В. И. Бодякин. – Москва : Фонд Мир : Академический проект, 2020. – 804, [1] с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце разд. – ISBN 978-5-919840-39-8. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: This book is an edition of the works of the famous scientist, inventor, one of the leading Russian specialists in the field of neurocomputing, the creator of the neurosemantic theory and the Informograd project Vladimir Ilyich Bodyakin (1951-2016) and represents the main body of his current scientific works. The book includes both published and unpublished scientific works in the field of system engineering, neurocomputing and artificial intelligence. Various projects based on the neurosemantic approach are presented, as well as works related to the problems of informatization of society, the evolution of information and control systems, neurophilosophy, management of scientific and technological progress, the development of information civilization, technologies of global action, and a number of philosophical works.


64. Ар15-252

Володин, А. А.

Системный анализ и управление сложными биосистемами на базе нейро-нечетких регуляторов : специальность 05.13.01 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук / А. А. Володин. – Ставрополь, 2014. – 22 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 21 (19 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


65. Ж2-11/56559

Ермолаев, В. А.

Нейрокомпьютерные системы : учебное пособие / В. А. Ермолаев, А. Ю. Проскуряков. – Муром : МИ ВлГУ, 2011. – 120 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 114. – ISBN 978-5-8439-0308-4. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook is intended for students of the educational program 230105.65 "Computer hardware and automated systems software", but it can be useful to persons applying the theory of neural networks in the design and programming of complex software systems. The basic principles of operation and devices of neural networks are considered, the types of neural networks and methods of their training are presented.


66. М/60968/1

Еськов, В. М.

Компартментно-кластерный подход в исследованиях биологических динамических систем (БДС) / В. М. Еськов. – Самара : [б. и.], 20 – . – В надзаг. : Рос. АН, Науч. совет по проблемам биолог. физики. – Текст : непосредственный.

Ч. 1 : Межклеточные взаимодействия в нейрогенераторных и биомеханических кластерах. – 2003. – 197 с. – ISBN 5-900827-89-5. – Библиогр. : с. 181-197.

Abstract: The monograph is devoted to an attempt to construct a single deterministic theory of biological dynamical systems within the framework of the compartment-cluster approach. The general principles (postulates) underlying such a theory are given, and experimental confirmation of theoretical positions at the cellular, organ, organismic and population levels is given. The first part of the book is devoted to the cellular level and presents some general provisions and mathematical apparatus of this deterministic theory, its connection with physical processes and laws, as well as a biological illustration of theoretical results in relation to neural networks of the brain. The book is intended for biologists, physicists, mathematicians, sociologists, specialists in the field of systems theory and optimal control, as well as for students of relevant training profiles interested in the system analysis of biological and social structures.


67. Ж2-11/50654

Злобин, В. К.

Нейросети и нейрокомпьютеры : учебное пособие / В. К. Злобин, В. Н. Ручкин. – Санкт-Петербург : БХВ-Петербург, 2011 (СПб.). – 252 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 250-252 (54 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-9775-0718-9. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The ways of increasing the intelligence of computing systems are considered. The theory of intelligent neural networks is presented in order to study the processes of learning, self-learning and self-organization and the creation of universal artificial intelligence systems; a generalized model of a neurocomputer and classification of neurocomputers by types of neural network training, communication architecture, custom crystals, reprogrammable logic integrated circuits. Special attention is paid to domestic neuromicroprocessors of the NeuroMatrix family, the basics of programming neurocomputers are given. The possibility of using neuromicroprocessors as intelligent analyzers of transport flows, information encryption, image compression, radar image processing, etc. is considered.


68. У3949/2021/2

Иванов, А. И.

Интеллектуализация статистической обработки малых выборок биометрических данных / А. И. Иванов. – Текст : непосредственный // Защита информации. Инсайд : информационно-методический журнал / "Издательский дом "Афина", о-во с ограниченной ответственностью. – 2021. – N 2. – С. 32-36. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISSN 2413-3582.

Abstract: The article considers the aspect of accelerating the selection of a biometric image when extracting knowledge from neural network parameters and the aspect of increasing the reliability of statistical analysis of small samples. In both cases, the acceleration and refinement of calculations is achieved by abandoning the analysis of ordinary code states, with the transition to the analysis of the same states in the Hamming distance space. Observation of probability amplitudes of spectral Hamming lines is impossible in statics. We need a transition to dynamics (neurodynamics). In this case, the effects predicted at the end of the last century by mathematicians for "ideal" quantum computers appear. There is no point in waiting for the appearance of "ideal" quantum processors, we should go a much simpler way, reproducing the effects of neurodynamics on ordinary computers. This technique is not new, natural neural networks in all living organisms work only in the mode of neurodynamics. The transfer of artificial neuron networks from statics to dynamics is nothing more than copying nature according to the classical rules of bionics.

69. М/57178/20

Интегральный робот. Кн.20 : сборник статей. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2006. – 142 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-88070-076-3. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The issues of neural networks that have found application in an integrated robot as an artificial intelligence system are described: image and speech recognition; the use of linguistic information additions; modeling of intellectual behavior on the example of a football player; human-machine interaction through traditional interfaces and virtual "finger-eye". The elements of integrated circuits, the use of which leads to a decrease in size and an increase in processor memory, are considered.


70. М/57178/12

Интеллектуальные нейросистемы. Кн. 12 / Ю. И.Зозуля. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2003. – 143 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 139-140 (50 назв.) и в конце прил. – Предм. указ.: с. 141-143. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-93108-026-0. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The architecture and functions of modern intelligent systems are considered, their classification is given. The achieved level of development of neural network systems of information processing and management is analyzed. The results of the application of systemic and bionic approaches to the study of the principles of structural and functional organization of a plurality of neural networks as part of a multi-level system automating the processing of signals, images and symbols of environmental objects based on incomplete and contradictory information are discussed. The theoretical foundations of the construction of intelligent information processing systems using neural network technologies of artificial intelligence (intelligent neural systems) are described.


71. Д10-16/39051

Информационная поддержка развития бионических технологий : монография / А. С. Сигов [и др.] ; под научной редакцией А. С. Сигова, В. В. Нечаева ; Московский технологический университет. – Москва : МИРЭА, 2016. – 236 с. : ил. – Авт. указ. на обороте тит. л. – Библиогр. : с. 186-203 (159 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-600-01617-0. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The main substantive, methodological and technical aspects of the creation of an intelligent information support system for the formation and development of promising bionic technologies are considered; the selection of problem-oriented bionic information resources; a block-modular architecture of an intelligent system for the support and development of bionic technologies is developed on the basis of an intelligent problem solver; the main recommendations for the development of such a system are formulated.


72. У3949/2021/2

Исхакова, А. О.

Неинвазивный нейрокомпьютерный интерфейс для управления роботом / А. О. Исхакова, Д. А. Вольф, А. Ю. Исхаков. – Текст : непосредственный // Высокопроизводительные вычислительные системы и технологии : журнал теоретических и прикладных исследований / Алтайский государственный университет. – 2021. – Том 5, № 1. – С. 166-171. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISSN 2619-0818.

Abstract: The paper highlights the topical issue of automation of human-robot interaction, including the transmission of a control signal using a neurocomputer interface for information exchange between the brain and an electronic device. The article proposes an original approach for controlling and solving the problem of controlling a robot using neurointerface technology. The authors describe the general scheme and principle of operation of the basic idea of non-invasive neurointerface control of a robot using an original convolutional neural network. The task of developing a prototype of a software product for neuropiloting and controlling a robot in the "brain–computer interface" mode based on the extraction and decoding of a stable visually evoked potential by retinal excitation systems, electroencephalography and convolutional neural networks is also being investigated. The principle of operation of the original convolutional neural network, an approach to modern network design is described, a model of a one-dimensional convolutional network based on the principles of operation of the human inner ear is presented, as well as a diagram of the developed convolutional neural network of 11 functional levels (layers) for converting electroencephalogram signals. The structure of the software package is proposed.

73. Ар17-9704

Кастальский, И. А.

Анализ сигналов сетевой активности биологических систем и прикладные аспекты их использования в устройствах нейроинтерфейса : специальность 01.04.03 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук / И. А. Кастальский. – Нижний Новгород, 2017. – 24 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 22-24. – Текст : непосредственный.


74. Ж2-20/70344

Кожевина, О. В.

Социальные и правовые задачи внедрения технологий искусственного интеллекта / О. В. Кожевина. – Текст : непосредственный // Коэволюция техники и общества в контексте цифровой эпохи : международная научная конференция, 17-18 декабря 2020 : сборник докладов / Национальный исследовательский университет "МЭИ", Институт научной информации по общественным наукам РАН. – Москва : Издательский дом МЭИ, 2020. – С. 41-42. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISBN 978-5-383-01443-1.

Abstract: The development of artificial intelligence technologies, the expansion of their use is especially relevant at the current stage for solving social problems, in addition, artificial intelligence can be effectively used in crisis emergencies. Foreign experience shows that legal regulation is designed to provide conditions for the broad development of artificial intelligence in various fields. Many people are concerned about the possible infringement of civil liberties of individuals, the openness of personal data, the inability to control, predict and personally evaluate information and their condition when using artificial intelligence. This creates ethical prerequisites for the use of AI. Ethics and law in the use of artificial intelligence are closely intertwined. Many legal decisions arise as a result of the interpretation of various ethical issues. Robotic systems, functioning independently of their creators or operators, complicate the task of determining legal liability. Many countries are actively creating legal conditions for the development of technologies using artificial intelligence. In Russia, in October 2019, the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence until 2030 was approved.


75. Д8-02/96845

Круг, П. Г.

Сигнальные процессоры и нейрокомпьютеры / П. Г.Круг. – Москва : Изд-во МЭИ, 2002. – 255 с. : ил. – ISBN 5-7046-0865-5. – Библиогр. : с. 226-230 (99 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The publication discusses typical problems and tasks solved with the help of modern digital signal processing processors and neurocomputers, as well as the main directions of their application.


76. Ар13-32196

Кузнецова, О. Ю.

Нейро-нечеткая система поддержки принятия решений при диагностике синдрома эндогенной интоксикации : специальность 05.13.01 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук / О. Ю. Кузнецова. – Пенза : [б. и.], 2013. – 21 с. – Библиогр. : с. 18-21 (29 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


77. Д10-20/81482

Малыгина, Е. А.

Биометрико-нейросетевая аутентификация: перспективы применения сетей квадратичных нейронов с многоуровневым квантованием биометрических данных : препринт / Е. А. Малыгина ; Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Пензенский государственный университет. – Пенза : Изд-во ПГУ, 2020. – 113 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 103-113 (90 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-907262-88-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Topical issues of the use of networks of linear neurons (perceptrons) and quadratic neurons with multilevel quantization of biometric data in biometric means of identity authentication are highlighted. A brief analysis of the emergence and use of artificial neural networks in the context of bionic representations, copying of observed effects in networks of natural neurons is carried out. A comparative assessment of the power of linear and quadratic neurons is given, their advantages and disadvantages are considered. Algorithms for training and testing networks of quadratic neurons with multilevel quantization of biometric data in highly reliable biometric-neural network identity authentication, performed in a research-protected version, are described in detail.


78. Д10-21/91113

Математическое и программное обеспечение вычислительных систем : межвузовский сборник научных трудов / редакционная коллегия А. Н. Пылькин (ответственный редактор) [и др.]. – Рязань : РГРТУ, 2021. – 84 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISBN 978-5-907400-08-5. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The articles devoted to various aspects of the development of computer software, computer systems and networks, issues of mathematical modeling, methods of information processing are presented. It is intended for research and teaching staff of universities, engineers, postgraduates and undergraduates.


79. М/16400/89 за 2008 г.

Модель бионической нейронной сети и ее применения / С. С. Елкин [и др.]. – Москва : [б. и.], 2008. – 30 с. : ил. – (Препринт / Институт прикладной математики им. М. В. Келдыша (Москва) ; 89 за 2008 г.). – Библиогр. : с. 29-30(24 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The paper presents a neural network model based on the analysis of the behavior of pyramidal neurons of the brain. The model differs from the classical approach to the construction of neural networks by the nonlinear nature of behavior, the introduction of several types of neuron inputs, and the heterogeneity of the construction. The paper provides some examples of building bionic networks for solving various tasks.


80. Д8-03/86433

Модулярные параллельные вычислительные структуры нейропроцессорных систем / Н. И. Червяков, П. А. Сахнюк, А. В. Шапошников, С. А. Ряднов ; под редакцией Н. И. Червякова. – Москва : Физматлит, 2003 (РГУП Чебоксарская тип. 1). – 287 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 275-287(193 назв.). – ISBN 5-9221-0327-X. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph is devoted to a new direction of development of the structure of super-productive and reliable non-positional neurocomputers functioning in the system of residual classes. The main content of the monograph consists of methods and algorithms for constructing non-positional computing tools adequate to the structure of neural algorithms; comparison of algorithms by efficiency for various ways of implementing neural nodes and devices; the adequacy of mathematical models of neural networks and systems of residual classes from the point of view of their unified organization and functioning based on maximum parallelization is shown; architectural and structural solutions for the construction of computing facilities implemented in a neurobase based on a system of residual classes are investigated; the basic principles of building high-performance, reliable and fault-tolerant structures are determined and the possibility of building "tenacious" computing structures close to biological ones is shown.; a number of examples of some applications of non-positional neurocomputers in data processing are given.


81. М/73485/1

Нейроинформатика-2019 : XXI Международная научно-техническая конференция : сборник научных трудов : [в 2 частях] / Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации (Минобрнауки России), Российская академия наук, Московский физико-технический институт (Национальный исследовательский университет) [и др.]. – Москва : МФТИ, 2019 – . – Текст : непосредственный.

Ч. 1 : Лекция по нейроинформатике. Искусственный интеллект. Прикладные нейросетевые системы. Нейробиология и нейробионика. Когнитивные науки и интерфейс "мозг-компьютер". Научные труды молодых специалистов. – 2019. – 196 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISBN 978-5-89155-322-4.

Abstract: The collection of scientific papers contains reports included in the program of the XXI International Scientific and Technical Conference "NEUROINFORMATICS-2019", held in Moscow on October 7-11, 2019. The topics of the conference cover a wide range of issues: artificial intelligence, deep learning, cognitive sciences and the brain-computer interface, methodological issues of neuroinformatics, theory of neural networks, neurobiology, models of adaptive behavior and cognitive research, neural network paradigms and applications of neuroinformatics.


82. М/73485/2

Нейроинформатика-2019 : XXI Международная научно-техническая конференция : сборник научных трудов : [в 2 частях] / Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации (Минобрнауки России), Российская академия наук, Московский физико-технический институт (Национальный исследовательский университет) [и др.]. – Москва : МФТИ, 2019 – . – Текст : непосредственный.

Ч. 2 : Искусственный интеллект. Когнитивные науки и интерфейс "мозг-компьютер". Адаптивное поведение и эволюционное моделирование. Нейроморфные вычисления, глубокое обучение. Прикладные нейросетевые системы. Теория нейронных сетей, нейросетевые парадигмы и архитектуры. Нейробиология и нейробионика. – 2019. – 212 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISBN 978-5-89155-323-1.

Abstract: The collection of scientific papers contains reports included in the program of the XXI International Scientific and Technical Conference "NEUROINFORMATICS-2019", held in Moscow on October 7-11, 2019. The topics of the conference cover a wide range of issues: artificial intelligence, deep learning, cognitive sciences and the brain-computer interface, methodological issues of neuroinformatics, theory of neural networks, neurobiology, models of adaptive behavior and cognitive research, neural network paradigms and applications of neuroinformatics.


83. М/57178/27

Нейрокомпьютеры в информационных и экспертных системах. Кн. 27 / В. И. Божич [и др.] ; под редакцией А. И. Галушкина, С. Д. Кулика. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2007. – 120 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце отд. ст. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-88070-134-4. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: A range of problems in information and expert systems is considered, the solution of which is effective with the use of neurocomputers, namely: problems of diagnostics and forecasting the state of complex technical processes; effective information retrieval on the Internet; forecasting and recognition of situations and objects; identification of information protection, as well as the construction of information systems with factographic search in data conditions not free from errors and the influence of the human factor.


84. Д9-08/51756

Нейрокомпьютеры: от программной к аппаратной реализации / М. А. Аляутдинов [и др.]. – Москва : Горячая линия-Телеком, 2008 (М.). – 152 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 132-151. – ISBN 978-5-9912-0044-8. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book presents the history of development and prospects for the development of hardware implementations of neurocomputers in Russia and foreign countries. An overview of modern developments is given, including the issues of building neurocomputers based on programmable logic integrated circuits (FPGAs), modern specialized graphics cards and Cell processors.


85. М/57178/6(2002)

Нейроматематика / под редакцией А. И. Галушкина. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2002. – 447 с. : ил. – (Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение ; кн. 6(2002)). – Библиогр. : с.308-439. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph discusses neural network algorithms for solving various mathematical problems. The fundamentals of the application of finite algebraic structures with the property of a ring and a field are described for the implementation of methods and algorithms for the construction of computational tools adequate to the structure of neural algorithms.


86. М/57178/5

Нейронные сети: история развития теории. Кн. 5. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2001. – 839 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book gives the history of the development of the theory and technology of neural networks, neurocomputers and neurosystems related to the theory of adaptation and learning in automatic systems. The book includes works by domestic and foreign authors published from 1943-1992.


87. М/57178/22

Нейронные сети как средство математического моделирования. Кн. 22 / Д. А. Тархов. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника",2006. – 48 с. – Библиогр. : с. 47-48. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-88070-089-5. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: A number of new algorithms are proposed and results are obtained on the convergence of nonlinear optimization methods for the selection of network structure- weight coefficients, genetic algorithms; hybrid and dynamic neural networks for solving ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations are considered; proofs of a number of theorems on the convergence of iterative algorithms of the Newtonian type are given; a neurostimulator developed by the author to test neural network learning algorithms is described.


88. М/57178/18

Нейронные сети. Модели и алгоритмы. Кн. 18 / Д. А. Тархов. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2005. – 253 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 250-253 (91 назв.). – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-88070-067-4. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Mathematical models and algorithms for the functioning and training of neural networks and algorithms from related branches of mathematics – linear and nonlinear regression, principal component method, nonlinear optimization are considered; some non-classical applications are presented - distributed computing with neural networks and the application of neural network technologies to mathematical physics; a brief overview of a number of software packages for neural network modeling is given.


89. М/57178/19

Нейросетевая технология представления и обработки информации (естественное представление знаний). Кн. 19 / А. А. Харламов. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2006. – 89 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце разд. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-88070-073-9. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: An attempt is made to represent the structures and processes of the human brain at various system levels: biological, structural, cellular, mathematical, informational, hardware, as well as at the level of pragmatic applications and biological neural networks.


90. М/57178/15

Нейросетевые алгоритмы биометрической идентификации личности. Кн. 15 – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2004. – 143 с. : ил. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-93108-048-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Theoretical and practical aspects of the design of biometric systems of identification of a person by voice, handwritten signature, keyboard handwriting are described; decision-making procedures based on the classical analysis of statistical data and procedures based on the use of artificial neural networks are considered; the problem of synthesis of a stable neural network learning automaton through numerical description of defects in the learning process and the introduction of restrictions on learning parameters is discussed; recommendations for the safe use and accelerated testing of biometric systems are given.


91. М/57178/24

Нейросетевые измерительные системы. Диагностика состояния сложных объектов. Кн. 24 / Ю. П. Муха, М. Г. Скворцов. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2007. – 335 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 326-335 (278 назв.). – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-88070-093-3. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The current state of research in the field of neural network measuring information systems and technologies is considered. The features of modern complex objects, diagnostic tasks, methods for assessing the condition of objects and means of implementing these methods are analyzed. The necessity of developing a new class of measuring systems for diagnosing the state of complex objects based on neural networks is substantiated. Methods and means of building and teaching IP are described/NS with controlled error, areas of application of a new class of measuring systems. Examples of computer modeling of the main neural network and auxiliary measuring transducers are given. Much attention is paid to the use of neural network measuring systems to determine the boundary states of the cardiovascular system by an integral parameter and the formation of physical models to assess the state of physical objects and processes, for example, to assess the state of laser, high-current and erosive plasma.


92. Д10-17/48044

Нейротехнологии: нейро-БОС и интерфейс "мозг – компьютер" / В. Н. Кирой [и др.] ; Южный федеральный университет. – Ростов на Дону : Изд-во Юж. федер. ун-та, 2017. – 243 с. : ил. – Авт. указ. на обороте тит. л. – Библиогр. : с. 209-243. – ISBN 978-5-9275-2232-3. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph is devoted to the problems associated with the development of non-invasive forms of brain-computer interfaces (BCI or BCI – brain-computer interface), designed primarily to improve the quality of life of completely paralyzed people and create additional communication channels. Contains an overview of the available scientific papers on this problem and the results of the authors' own research. The first section is devoted to the analysis of a person's ability to arbitrarily control some parameters of the bioelectric activity of his own brain using the biofeedback method (biofeedback) and assessing the impact on the effectiveness of this control of some psychological characteristics of users. The second section describes the development and testing of a prototype of its own neural interface KRINC-BCI (Research Institute of Neurocybernetics named after Kagan-BCI).


93. М/57178/13

Нейроуправляемые конструкции и системы. Кн. 13 : учебное пособие / Н. П. Абовский, А. П. Деруга, О. М. Максимова [и др.] – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2003. – 367 с. : ил. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-93108-056-2. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The neural network technology developed in relation to the tasks of neurocontrol, neurooptimization and neuroprognosis is presented; the principles of creating neurocontrolled structures that have significant differences from traditional adaptive ACS and are developing as a promising interdisciplinary direction are formulated (as one of the effective applications of neural network control, a neural traffic control system is presented, including a method, device and software); a new approach to solving optimization problems based on hybrid neural network programs combining the best qualities of traditional programming and neural network approximation has been implemented.


94. Д9-07/35729

Нечеткие гибридные системы. Теория и практика / И. З. Батыршин [и др.] ; под редакцией Н. Г. Ярушкиной. – Москва : Физматлит, 2007 (М.). – 207 с. : ил. – (Информационные и компьютерные технологии). – Библиогр. : с. 181-207. – ISBN 978-5-9221-0786-0. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book is devoted to modern approaches to mathematical and computer modeling of fuzziness. Fuzzy logic operations and their generalizations are considered. The context of the modern theory of fuzzy systems is widely presented: synergetic artificial intelligence, fuzzy neural and fuzzy evolutionary hybrids, probabilistic programming. Along with theoretical questions, the book describes the applications of the theory of fuzzy hybrid systems to the tasks of portfolio, investment and risk analysis, as well as to the tasks of designing telecommunications networks. The book will be useful to researchers, graduate students, and anyone interested in the problems of unconventional logic and artificial intelligence.


95. У2414/2021/23/3

Орехов, А. Н.

Решение нестандартных задач компьютерной системой / А. Н. Орехов. – Текст : непосредственный // Нейрокомпьютеры : разраб., применение : международный научно-технический журнал / "Издательство "Радиотехника", закрытое акционерное о-во. – 2021. – Том 23, N 3. – С. 43-62. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – Прикладные вопросы нейронауки и искусственного интеллекта по отраслям. – ISSN 1999-8554.

Abstract: Problem statement. In modern psychology, a wide range of opinions is presented, from the complete denial of the possibility of an adequate theoretical description of the mental in mathematical terms to the recognition of the timeliness and even the inevitability of such a description. Many developers of traditional artificial intelligence –AI) - systems based on rules, deep learning of artificial neural networks (INS) and their various hybrids - either subconsciously use the most primitive psychological concepts, or believe that they do not need psychological knowledge at all. Therefore, the problem consists of two interrelated parts: 1) is it possible on the basis of the general theory of the psyche, which widely uses mathematical apparatus, to create algorithms of human thinking adequate to the facts known in psychology; 2) is it possible on the basis of these algorithms to create a computer system capable of solving the most difficult (non-standard) problems in various fields of knowledge, using what most researchers designate as "common sense" (common sense). The AlNikOr computer system has been created, capable of solving non-standard tasks in natural Russian using algorithms of human thinking. Its efficiency is shown by the example of solving a non-standard problem in physics. Practical significance. ALNIKOR-based computer systems can be used to solve real non-standard tasks in various fields of science and technology.

96. Ж2-21/71191

Основы создания нейро-цифровых экосистем. Гибридный вычислительный интеллект : монография / А. А. Федоров, И. В. Либерман, С. И. Корягин [и др.] ; Балтийский федеральный университет им. Иммануила Канта. – 3-е изд., доп. – Калининград : Изд-во Балтийского федерального ун-та им. И. Канта, 2021. – 240, [1] с. : ил. – Авт. указ. на обороте тит. л. – Библиогр. : с. 208-239 (545 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-9971-0636-2. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The theoretical and applied foundations of hybrid computational intelligence are presented as a promising, interdisciplinary scientific direction that allows integrating accurate, inaccurate and uncertain knowledge in one system on the basis of flexible computing and managing them, providing modeling of complex, including nonlinear, processes and phenomena and synthesis of effective applied tools at a new level. A fundamentally new, neuro-philosophical approach to the creation of neuro-digital, including scientific and educational ecosystems of the future, based on the understanding and formalization of the processes of the metacognitive genesis of the cybersocium, is considered. A large number of successful applied examples of the application of methods and technologies of hybrid computational intelligence in mechanical engineering, military-industrial sphere, agriculture, aircraft engineering and other subject areas are given.


97. Д9-10/69528

От моделей поведения к искусственному интеллекту / под редакцией В. Г. Редько. – Изд. 2-е. – Москва : URSS, 2010. – 447 с. : ил. – (Науки об искусственном). – Библиогр. : с. 441-443. – ISBN 978-5-484-01126-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph presents the works of leading Russian researchers reflecting on the following problems: how to build models of adaptive behavior of living organisms, and how such models can be used in artificial intelligence systems. The monograph consists of two parts: a retrospective, which reflects the state of the problem in the 1970s, and a modern one. In the modern part, the direction of research "Adaptive behavior" based on the animat approach to artificial intelligence is characterized. Researchers of animates (from Eng. animal (animal) and robot: animal + robot = animat) build models implemented in a computer program or in the form of a robot that are applicable to the description of the behavior of both an animal and an artificial animate organism. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on the intellectual features of adaptive behavior, on the analysis of possible patterns of the emergence of "intelligence" of natural and artificial organisms in increasingly complex external environments. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and especially for those who themselves want to get involved in intriguing research on the problems of natural and artificial intelligence.


98. М/16400/83 за 2017 г.

Павловский, В. Е.

"Интерфейс мозг-компьютер" для экзоскелета БИОМЕХ: базовая функциональность / В. Е. Павловский, Е. А. Солдатенкова. – Москва : ИПМ им. М. В. Келдыша РАН, 2017. – 20 с. : ил. – (Препринт / Институт прикладной математики имени М. В. Келдыша (Москва) ; 83 за 2017 г.). – Библиогр. : с. 18-19 (28 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The paper analyzes existing solutions; describes the basic implementation of the IMC, and also shows the suitability of budget devices for taking EEG readings for use in conjunction with an exoskeleton.


99. У3401/2021/17/4

Паршин, А. И.

Случайное мультимодальное глубокое обучение в задаче распознавания изображений / А. И. Паршин, М. Н. Аралов, В. Ф. Барабанов, Н. И. Гребенникова. – Текст : непосредственный // Воронежский государственный технический университет. Вестник Воронежского государственного технического университета : журнал. – 2021. – Том 17, № 4. – С. 21-26. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISSN 1729-6501.

Abstract: The problem of image recognition is one of the most difficult in machine learning, requiring both deep knowledge and large time and computing resources from the researcher. In the case of using nonlinear and complex data, various architectures of deep neural networks are used, but the problem of choosing a neural network remains a difficult issue. The main architectures used everywhere are convolutional neural networks (CNN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), deep neural networks (DNN). Based on recurrent neural networks (RNN), long-term short-term memory (LSTM) networks and networks with managed recurrent blocks (GRU) have been developed. Each neural network architecture has its own structure, its own configurable and trainable parameters, has its own advantages and disadvantages. By combining different types of neural networks, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of prediction in various machine learning tasks. Considering that choosing the optimal network architecture and its parameters is an extremely difficult task, one of the methods for constructing the architecture of neural networks based on a combination of convolutional, recurrent and deep neural networks is considered. It is shown that such architectures are superior to classical machine learning algorithms.

100. Д10-15/27361

ПО "KVAZAR"- платформа для прогностического моделирования в области нано- и биомедицинских технологий : коллективная монография / О. Е. Глухова [и др.]. – Саратов : Сарат. источник, 2015. – 248 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 226-247 (205 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-91879-536-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book is devoted to the urgent problem of developing an effective molecular modeling tool - an open-source software product KVAZAR for solving a wide class of problems of nano- and biomedical technologies. The monograph describes the theoretical foundations of the software package and the IT solutions used. The results of the approbation of mathematical models that make up the theoretical foundations of the program are presented. The book is intended for researchers, postgraduates, students of physico-mathematical, physico-chemical and engineering specialties and areas of training.


101. Ар10-21224

Потапов, И. В.

Модели, методы и задачи прикладной теории надежности нейрокомпьютерных систем : специальность 05.13.15, 05.13.17 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора технических наук / И. В. Потапов. – Новосибирск : [б. и.], 2010. – 35 с. – Библиогр. : с. 30-35 (47 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


102. Д9-11/77038

Редько, В. Г.

Эволюция, нейронные сети, интеллект. Модели и концепции эволюционной кибернетики / В. Г. Редько; предисловие Г. Г. Малинецкого. – 7-е изд. – Москва : URSS, 2011. – 220 с. – (Синергетика: от прошлого к будущему). – Библиогр. : с. 213-217. – ISBN 978-5-397-01865-4. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: This book is devoted to a review of modern research on the evolution of biological cybernetic systems. The paper analyzes mathematical and computer models of the simplest cybernetic molecular genetic systems that could arise during the origin of life, as well as general models of biocybernetic evolution; applied evolutionary algorithms are considered. Philosophical issues related to evolutionary cybernetics are discussed, and problems for further research are outlined. For the first time in the Russian literature, exceptionally interesting and important areas of research that have appeared relatively recently are presented - "Artificial life" and "Adaptive behavior". The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in biological evolution, cybernetics, artificial intelligence and the philosophical foundations of science.


103. Д10-18/64012

Сахнюк, П. А.

Нейрокомпьютерные вычислительные средства с параллельной архитектурой для обработки сигналов : монография / П. А. Сахнюк ; Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации. – Ставрополь : Секвойя, 2018. – 149 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 136-149 (176 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-6041131-9-6. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The main content of the monograph consists of methods and algorithms for the representation and processing of data presented in the system of residual classes; approximation of neural networks to the arithmetic structure of modular arithmetic; mathematical models and architecture of a finite ring neural network; the principle of degradation and the algorithm of reconfiguration of a neural specialized processor.


104. Д10-15/17948

Семигузов, Д. А.

Основы нейрокомпьютерных систем : учебное пособие / Д. А. Семигузов ; Забайкальский государственный университет. – Чита : ЗабГУ, 2015. – 124 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 123-124 (22 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-9293-1208-3. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: This paper discusses the main directions of modeling artificial neural networks: perceptrons, feedback networks, self-organizing networks, ART networks. Algorithms of their training are given. In addition, the issues of data preprocessing and hardware implementation are considered.


105. М/57178/23/2

Современные проблемы нейроинформатики. Часть 2. Кн. 23 : коллективная монография / А. Н. Васильев [и др.]. ; под редакцией Ю. И. Нечаева. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2006. – 79 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – Авт. указ. на обороте тит. л. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-88070-102-6. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The monograph is a collective work of scientists from St. Petersburg in the field of the use of neural network technologies in the tasks of controlling dynamic objects, pattern recognition and signal processing systems, as well as in the tasks of neuromathematics and neurophysiology. Most of these works were discussed at the city scientific seminar "Modern problems of neuroinformatics" of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Association "Neuroinformatics".


106. М/57178/23/3

Современные проблемы нейроинформатики. Часть 3. Кн. 23 : Труды ученых Санкт-Петербурга / под редакцией Ю. И. Нечаева. – Москва : Издат. предприятие ред. журн. "Радиотехника", 2007. – 111 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – (Научная серия: Нейрокомпьютеры и их применение). – ISBN 5-88070-145-X. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The collection is devoted to the use of neural network technologies in the tasks of controlling dynamic objects, pattern recognition and signal processing systems, as well as in the tasks of neuromathematics and neurophysiology. Most of these works were discussed at the scientific seminar "Modern problems of neuroinformatics" of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Association "Neuroinformatics".


107. Н/22175/5

Современные технологии в науке и образовании. СТНО-2021 : IV Международный научно-технический форум : сборник трудов : [в 10 т.] / Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации, Международная академия информатизации [и др.] ; под общей редакцией О. В. Миловзорова. – Рязань : Book Jet, 2021. – ISBN 978-5-7722-0321-7. – Текст : непосредственный.

Т. 5. – 2021. – 157 с. : ил. – Парал. загл. ст., аннот. англ. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISBN 978-5-7722-0326-2.

Abstract: The collection includes the works of the participants of the IV International Scientific and Technical Forum "Modern Technologies in Science and Education" STNO-2021. The collection covers the issues of mathematical modeling, new technologies in radio engineering, telecommunications, electrical engineering and radio electronics, issues of semiconductor nanoelectronics, instrumentation, laser, microwave technology, power industrial electronics, new technologies in measuring technology and systems, biomedical systems, algorithmic and software computing, computer networks and complexes, issues of computer-aided design systems, image processing and control in technical systems, promising technologies in machine-building and petrochemical industries, new technologies and methods in higher education, including issues of humanitarian and physical and mathematical training of students, teaching them foreign languages, promising technologies of e-learning, including distance learning, issues of economics, enterprise and personnel management, management.


108. Ар20-2097

Сотников, П. И.

Разработка методов и алгоритмов для классификации многомерных временных рядов в интерфейсе мозг-компьютер : специальность 05.13.01 Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации (в технических системах) : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук / П. И. Сотников. – Москва, 2020. – 16 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 16 (5 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


109. Д10-21/88820

Тадеусевич, Р.

Нейронные сети : толковый словарь / Таудесевич Рышард, Шаленец Мачей ; перевод с польского И. Д. Рудинского. – Москва : Горячая линия – Телеком, 2021. – 134 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 134 (10 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-9912-0833-8. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The dictionary contains the basic concepts used in the theory and practice of neural networks, with an explanation of their content. The basic terminology of the modern apparatus of artificial neural networks is presented. The definitions of each concept are given, accompanied by a visual graphical interpretation, and sorted in alphabetical order. When using the electronic version of the book, hyperlinks are available to demonstrate the connection between the concepts. The explanatory dictionary is built in such a way that the reader of another article or book, faced with an incomprehensible term, can get an explanation on the issue that has arisen and immediately return to reading what interests him in the first place. For a wide range of readers interested in issues related to the practical use of artificial neural networks.


110. Д9-06/25683

Тарков, М. С.

Нейрокомпьютерные системы : учебное пособие / М. С. Тарков. – Москва : Интернет-Ун-т Информ. Технологий : БИНОМ. Лаб. знаний(М.), 2006. – 140 с. : ил. – (Основы информационных технологий). – Библиогр. : с. 139-140 (19 назв.). – ISBN 5-94774-541-0. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The basics of building neurocomputers are described. A detailed overview and description of the most important methods of training neural networks of various structures, as well as the tasks solved by these networks, is given. The issues of hardware implementation of neural networks are considered.


111. Д9-07/43305

Тарков, М. С.

Нейрокомпьютеры : учебное пособие / М. С. Тарков. – Новосибирск : [б. и.], 2007. – 163 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 161-163. – ISBN 978-5-94356-527-4. – В надзаг. : Новосиб. гос. ун-т, Фак. информ. технологий. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The basics of building neurocomputers are described. A detailed overview and description of the most important methods of training neural networks of various architectures, as well as the tasks solved by these networks, are given. The manual is intended for university students specializing in computer science.


112. Д10-15/36112

Туровский, Я. А.

Введение в конструирование нейрокомпьютерных интерфейсов : учебное пособие / Я. А. Туровский, С. Д. Кургалин ; Воронежский государственный университет. – Воронеж : Изд. дом ВГУ, 2015. – 71 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 70-71 (30 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-9273-2247-3. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook is devoted to the problem of developing a new type of devices - neurocomputer interfaces that provide transmission and transformation into commands for a computer of signals recorded directly from the brain.


113. Д10-21/82320

Хокфилд, С.

Время живых машин : биологическая революция в технологиях / С. Хокфилд ; перевод с английского В. Краснянской. – Москва : Альпина нон-фикшн, 2021. – 235 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в примеч.: с. 203-229. – Пер. изд.: The age of living mashines. How biology will build the next technology revolution / S. Hockfield. – S.I., 2020. – ISBN 978-5-00139-134-0. – Факт. дата выхода кн. – 2020 г. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: A century ago, science allowed engineers to create a number of amazing new technologies that have changed our world so much that we can no longer imagine our life without them. But, according to the world-renowned neuroscientist Susan Hockfield, we are on the verge of a new revolution when, as a result of combining discoveries in biology with engineering, many truly fantastic next-generation technologies will appear. "The Time of Living Machines" describes some of the most interesting new developments created as a result of the joint work of scientists and engineers. Virus batteries. Protein filters for water. Nanoparticles capable of detecting cancer. Prosthetics that read minds. Computer-generated agricultural crops.


114. Д8-04/99388

Фурман, Я. А.

Нейросетевые системы управления : конспект лекций / Я. А.Фурман, А. О. Евдокимов. – Йошкар-Ола : МарГТУ, 2004. – 87 с. : ил. – В надзаг. : Мар. гос. техн. ун-т.Библиогр. : с. 87. – Предм. указ.: с. 84-86. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The basics of membrane theory are presented, the system of Hodgkin-Huxley equations, the principles of information transfer between cells and signal transmission in biological objects are analyzed. Examples of neural network control systems are considered. The problems of creating a neurointelligence and developing neurocomputers are analyzed.


115. Д10-20/79455

Фурман, Я. А.

Технологии искусственного интеллекта в биотехнических системах : конспект лекций / Я. А. Фурман, В. В. Севастьянов, К. О. Иванов ; Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Поволжский государственный технологический университет. – Йошкар-Ола : Поволжский гос. технологический ун-т, 2020. – 63 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 63 (12 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-8158-2153-8. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The lecture notes are intended to form students' understanding of the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, as well as familiarity with algorithms and software for analyzing complex medical data. The basic principles of designing biomedical expert systems using artificial intelligence technology are considered. Special attention is paid to methods and algorithms in the field of machine learning and artificial neural networks.


116. Ж2-20/71690

Хайкин, С.

Нейронные сети : полный курс / Саймон Хайкин. – 2-е изд., испр. – Москва ; Санкт-Петербург : Диалектика, 2020. – 1103 с. : ил. – Парал. тит. л. англ. – Библиогр. : с. 996-1069 (1183 назв.). – Предм. указ.: с. 1070-1103. – Пер. изд.: Neural Networks. A comprehensive foundation / S. Haykin. – ISBN 978-5-907144-22-4. – ISBN 0-13-273350-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Neural networks, or, more precisely, artificial neural networks, are a technology rooted in many disciplines: neurophysiology, mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science and engineering. They find their application in such diverse fields as modeling, time series analysis, pattern recognition, signal processing and control due to one important property - the ability to learn from data with or without the teacher's intervention. This book offers an exhaustive description of neural networks, given the multidisciplinary nature of this subject. The material presented in the book is full of examples, descriptions of computer experiments, contains many tasks for each section, as well as an extensive bibliography.


117. У4614/2020/16/4

Храмов, В. В.

Разработка человеко-машинного интерфейса на основе гибридного интеллекта = Development of a human-machine interface based on hybrid intelligence / В. В. Храмов. – Текст : непосредственный // Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование : международный научный журнал / "Лига-интернет-медиа", фонд содействия развитию интернет-медиа, ИТ-образования, человеческого потенциала (Москва). – 2020. – Том 16, № 4. – С. 893-900. – на англ. яз. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – ISSN 2411-1473.

Abstract: The principles of harmonization of interactions between natural and artificial intelligence as part of ergotechnical systems are considered. The updated concept of the human-machine system was developed as part of the digitalization of the management of socio-economic systems, which have an arbitrary set of NON-factors that allow them to be implemented using soft models. Within the framework of modeling such an interface, studies of the synergy of the artificial intelligence of the automated system of the technical component of the ergosystem and the natural intelligence of the human operator are of particular importance. It is shown that the requirement of universality, the ability to perform various control tasks, as well as its compatibility with a number of functional subsystems of the control object itself – the machine - are important for the interface. The article presents the general structure of the interaction of dual human-machine intelligence and the object, the environment and the intelligent control system, as well as soft models are highlighted. This often allows us to adjust the actions of the operator, which may lead to undesirable consequences. The article discusses bionic approaches to the concept of hybrid human-machine intelligence. The article discusses adaptive hybrid intelligent control schemes of a human-machine system, a variant of their classification and a method of construction. Accordingly, to implement this approach, a method is proposed that includes a combination of algorithms and methods of traditional formal logical thinking and fuzzy logic.

118. Д9-05/8838

Цыганков, В. Д.

Виртуальный нейрокомпьютер "ЭМБРИОН" / В. Д. Цыганков. – Москва : СИНТЕГ, 2005. – 175 с. : ил. – (Человек, Земля, Вселенная). – Библиогр. : с. 164-173 (112 назв.). – ISBN 5-89638-087-9. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book is devoted to the introduction to the paradigm of a virtual neurocomputer of the "EMBRYO" type. The "EMBRYO" paradigm is not only a description of the neurocomputer's neurocomputer chip in the form of an FPGA and the principle of functioning of the original neurocomputer, but it is also a rather general worldview philosophy. This is an attempt at a neurocomputer interpretation of the problem of the unity of the universe, i.e. the unity of the microcosm, the brain as a mesosphere and the Universe – the macrocosm. These are also applied aspects of the use of a neurocomputer in high information technologies, in particular, in aviation, in astronautics, in medicine, in industrial robotics. The book is written in an accessible language, and its reading can serve as an initial stage for a deeper development of the "EMBRYO" paradigm, set out in a number of monographs and publications of the author.


119. Д8-02/72813

Цыганков, В. Д.

Вселенский разум и квантовый нейрокомпьютер / В. Д. Цыганков. – Москва : СИНТЕГ, 2002. – 171 с. : ил. – (Информатизация России в ХХ1 веке). – ISBN 5-89638-056-9. – Библиогр. : с. 166-171 (91 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: This edition is the third book by V. D. Tsygankov from the series of books "The Living Universe", devoted to the description and application of the virtual neurocomputer "EMBRYO" as a quantum system. In the monograph, from the perspective of neurocomputing, an attempt is made to partially describe and interpret such a phenomenon as the universal mind. The comprehensiveness, grandiosity and significance of this phenomenon or phenomenon covers both the megafield and the microcosm and, of course, cannot be covered and explained by one author in one monograph. However, an attempt to explain some of its manifestations from the perspective of the paradigm of the quantum virtual neurocomputer "EMBRYO", undertaken by the author, allows a deeper understanding of the nature of such categories as creation and superconsciousness, teleportation, primary torsion field, and other difficult-to-explain phenomena. The book is intended for specialists in the field of new information technologies and for anyone interested in new developments in the field of quantum computer science and neurocomputing.


120. Д10-21/88404

Цыганков, В. Д.

Интеллектуальный бесконтактный интерфейс "Мозг-нейрокомпьютер" IBNCI-2 / В. Д. Цыганков. – Москва : Перо, 2021. – 31 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 31 (12 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-00189-012-6. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: IBNCI-2. The second modification of the interface means that before it was the first, which was developed by Sabukhi Sharifov in 2006 in Nizhny Novgorod on the basis of my neurocomputer "Embryo", and was called psyknopka. Here is its second modification and is built into the physiotherapy device of the BIOMEDIS NPC - the ZENWAVE mental simulator. This paper tells about what is happening in the quantum system, about the algorithm of our brain.


121. Д10-19/71115

Цыганков, В. Д.

К "Стандартной модели" физики частиц виртуального нейрокомпьютера "Эмбрион" (SM VNC) / Цыганков В. Д. ; Международная академия информационных технология (IAIT). – Москва : Перо, 2019. – 72 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 50 (20 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-00150-554-9. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: An open mention in the general press about the first virtual neurocomputer in the USSR appeared in the second and fourth issues of the computer magazine for young people "BAITIK" in 1991. The article was called "Household neurocomputer (BNC) "EMBRYO". This was the first practical acquaintance with the software emulator of an electronic device implemented in hardware under the guidance of the author. Over the years, a number of its models have been manufactured, and many experiments and studies have been carried out with the neurocomputer. This made it possible to discover a large number of unexpected properties in it and to discover a number of patterns in the dynamics of its work. Since a neurocomputer is a real physical system, many analogies have been found in it with cosmology, with psychology, with the laws of GNI, with genetics, with neurophysiology, with ordinary neural networks, with classical physics, with quantum physics, quantum field theory, with elementary particle physics. This publication is devoted to the presentation of some interesting and sometimes unexpected analogies of the structures and functions of a neurocomputer with physics and cosmology. In it, the author attempted to outline ways to create a Standard Model of information particle physics of a neurocomputer (SM VNC).


122. Д8-01/61397

Цыганков, В. Д.

Нейрокомпьютер и мозг / В. Д. Цыганков. – Москва : СИНТЕГ, 2001. – 241 с. : ил. – (Информатизация России в XXI веке). – ISBN 5-89638-034-8. – В надзаг. Междунар. ин-т теорет. и прикл. физики РАЕН. – Библиогр. : с. 237-241 (76 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: In the monograph, which is the first part of the series of books "The Living Universe" by V. D. Tsygankov devoted to neurocomputing and the psychoprobleme, a complete description of the author's original development – the virtual neurocomputer "EMBRYO", which is implemented in hardware and in the form of a software emulator, is presented in the form of practical exercises. The book provides an introduction to atomic computer science and the theory of the neurocomputer, provides a neurophysiological interpretation of its structure and algorithms of operation. Numerous examples of the practical application of the EMBRYO neurocomputer in solving defense and industrial tasks (in aviation, rocket technology, radio and defense industries), in robotics, medicine, genetics, nanotechnology, and other fields are given.


123. Д10-20/82594

Цыганков, В. Д.

Скрытые возможности VNC-Кентавра / Владимир Цыганков. – Москва : Перо, 2020. – 108 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 102-105. – ISBN 978-5-00171-596-2. – Посвящ. 75-й годовщине Победы СССР в Великой Отечественной войне, 1941-1945 г.г. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: This publication contains and presents in the form of an essay a lot of ideas, thoughts of the author and great physicists, factual materials about the hidden fundamental theoretical and applied capabilities of the virtual macroquant neurocomputer (VNC) "Embryo", developed by the author and found all kinds of applications in the defense industry and medicine. The content of this work is mainly intended for readers familiar with the fundamental paradigm of the virtual neurocomputer "Embryo" (Tsygankov V. D. "Neurocomputer and brain". SYNTEG. Moscow, 2001), as well as for all inquisitive and inquisitive young people interested in novelty in fundamental sciences, physics, neurophysiology, computer science, as well as non-traditional approaches to the practical solution of fundamental problems.


124. Д10-18/59586

Цыганков, В. Д.

Электронный квантовый геном / В. Д. Цыганков ; Международная академия информационных технология (IAIT). – Москва : Перо, 2018. – 109 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце ст. и с. 107-108. – ISBN 978-5-00122-616-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: In the development of theories of neurocomputer models of various phenomena, mechanisms and devices related to genetics, evolution, synthetic biology, problems of consciousness and thinking, to which the author's last two monographs are devoted: "A physical system for modeling the brain and artificial non-protein living matter", "Virtuality and consciousness", published in 2016 in the Publishing House "PERO", this edition partially contains the latest publications, reports and results of the author's work related to 2017-2018. The content of this monograph is mainly intended for readers familiar with the paradigm of the virtual neurocomputer "EMBRYO", as well as for all inquisitive and inquisitive young people interested in novelty in science, unconventional approaches to the practical solution of fundamental problems.


125. М/9354/7(2009)

Чернавская, О. Д.

О возможном механизме "интуитивного" и "логического" в нейрокомпьютинге / О. Д. Чернавская, Д. С. Чернавский, А. П. Никитин. – Москва : [б. и.], 2009. – 32 с. – (Препринт / Физический институт им. П. Н. Лебедева (Москва) ; 7(2009)). – Библиогр. : с. 32(16 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The principle of the neurocomputer device is proposed, which allows solving some problems of modern neurocomputing and describing the effects of intuition, creativity, as well as a number of other phenomena, the nature of which has not yet been studied. The basic idea is that the functions of learning and storing information are complementary and must be performed by two different subsystems, and a subsystem capable of learning must contain "noise", i.e. a random element. The question of how artificial intelligence can imitate human thinking is discussed. A number of methods are proposed that allow simulating effects in a neurocomputer that were previously considered inherent only in a living organism (humor, sleep, etc.).


126. Ж2-08/45396

Язык схем радикалов. Методы и алгоритмы / А. С. Архипкин [и др.] ; под редакцией А. В. Чечкина, А. В. Рожнова. – Москва : Радиотехника, 2008 (Подольск). – 95 с. : ил. – (Библиотека журнала "Нейрокомпьютеры: разработка, применение") (Интеллектуализация сложных систем). – Авт. указ. на обороте тит. л. – Библиогр. в конце разд. – ISBN 978-5-88070-199-5. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: It contains materials on problematic issues of information and system security of complex systems in an interdisciplinary scientific formulation, based on the development of new ideas of the scientific seminar Intellectualization of complex systems for various purposes, which is constantly operating at the Military Academy of the Peter the Great Strategic Missile Forces.


127. Jeong, J. H.

Hybrid Zero-Training BCI based on Convolutional Neural Network for Lower-limb Motor-Imagery / J. H. Jeong, D. -J. Kim and H. Kim. – Text : electronic // 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). – 2021. – P. 1-4. – DOI: 10.1109/BCI51272.2021.9385316. – URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9385316 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.).

Abstract: Zero-training BCI was presented to overcome the inconvenience and impractical aspects of the training session in the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) based on Motor Imagery (MI). Zero-training BCI can be classified into a session-to-session transfer BCI and a subject-independent BCI. The session-to-session transfer BCI is characterized by high classification accuracy, but there is a limitation that the model could not be improved as the number of subjects increased. On the other hand, the subject-independent BCI has advantage in increasing the number of subjects, but had the problem of requiring too many subjects for high accuracy. In this study, we proposed the hybrid zero-training BCI that integrates the advantages of the aforementioned two methods and Multidomain CNN that combined time-, spatial-, and phase-domain, and aimed for more practical application and higher classification accuracy. We collected three-class MI EEG data related to lower-limb movement (gait, sit-down, and rest) from three subjects with three sessions per subject. The classification accuracy of the proposed method (82.10 ±10.66%) in the classification of three-class of MI tasks was significantly higher than that of the existing zero-training BCIs (66.42 ±9.68%, 66.67±6.83%) I, and also higher than the conventional BCI (70.86±9.46%) that trains and evaluates with training sessions collected on the same day although not statistically significant.

128. Kolman, E.

Knowledge-based neurocomputing: a fuzzy logic approach / E. Kolman, M. Margaliot. – Electronic text data. – Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2009. – 81 р. – (Studies in fuzziness and soft computing, ISSN 1434-9922 ; 234). – ISBN 978-3-540-88077-6. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-88077-6 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.).

Abstract: In this monograph, the authors introduce a novel fuzzy rule-base, referred to as the Fuzzy All-permutations Rule-Base (FARB). They show that inferring the FARB, using standard tools from fuzzy logic theory, yields an input-output map that is mathematically equivalent to that of an artificial neural network. Conversely, every standard artificial neural network has an equivalent FARB. The FARB-ANN equivalence integrates the merits of symbolic fuzzy rule-bases and sub-symbolic artificial neural networks, and yields a new approach for knowledge-based neurocomputing in artificial neural networks.

129. Tripathi, B. K.

High Dimensional Neurocomputing. Growth, Appraisal and Applications / B. K. Tripathi. – Electronic text data. – New Delhi : Springer, 2015. – 165 p. – (Studies in Computational Intelligence, ISSN 1860-9503 ; vol. 571). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-81-322-2074-9. – DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2074-9. – URL: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-81-322-2074-9#about (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The book presents a coherent understanding of computational intelligence from the perspective of what is known as "intelligent computing" with high-dimensional parameters. It critically discusses the central issue of high-dimensional neurocomputing, such as quantitative representation of signals, extending the dimensionality of neuron, supervised and unsupervised learning and design of higher order neurons. The strong point of the book is its clarity and ability of the underlying theory to unify our understanding of high-dimensional computing where conventional methods fail. The plenty of application oriented problems are presented for evaluating, monitoring and maintaining the stability of adaptive learning machine.


4. Bionics for engineering and architecture


130. Актуальные проблемы и методология строительной науки : учебное пособие / В. В. Федоров, С. Л. Субботин, Т. Р. Баркая, П. О. Скудалов ; под редакцией В. В. Федорова. – Москва : ИНФРА-М, 2022. – 262 с. – (Высшее образование: Магистратура). – DOI 10.12737/991920. – ISBN 978-5-16-014586-0. – Text : electronic. – URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1841660 (дата обращения: 19.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The textbook is aimed at forming a general idea of modern construction science, its main achievements and problems. The typology of the main scientific directions, key and actual problems of construction science is proposed, the basics of the methodology of their solution are considered. The presented systematic approach to the phenomenon of construction science is designed to provide the level of training necessary to solve the most complex professional tasks. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For master's degree students studying in the field of training 08.04.01 "Construction", and graduate students.

132. Аппараты с машущими движителями и их природные аналоги: монография / Т. Х. Ахмедов, А. К. Бродский, И. Ф. Галанин – Вологда: Инфра-Инженерия, 2018. – 360 с.: ISBN 978-5-9729-0244-6. – Text : electronic. – URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/989090 (дата обращения: 19.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The first part of the book presents the results of research in the field of waving propellers, the analogues of which are natural objects - aerobionts (birds and insects), as well as hydrobionts (fish, cetaceans, penguins and floating beetles). The principles of operation and theoretical foundations of waving propellers are considered. A mechanical model of a high-speed mover "Automatic supination" has been developed. A kinematic analysis of this mechanism has been carried out, which can be used as a drive for high-speed wings on unmanned aerial vehicles. Based on the experiments carried out, a physical model of tear-off vortex currents arising near flapping wings and fins during their accelerated movement at supercritical angles of attack has been created. Calculation schemes have been developed, as well as methods for calculating the thrust and power of high-speed propellers of natural analogues and aircraft. Computer modeling made it possible to study the vector fields of accelerations and flow velocities in the boundary layer of the fast-moving wings of insects and entomoptera. Working mechanical models of vehicles with waving thrusters have been developed. The technical images of unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles, as well as vessels with waving propellers are presented. In the second part, biologists present available information about the evolution, morphology and anatomy of aero- and hydrobionts: insects, birds, fish and cetaceans. Familiarity with the structure and operation of the organs of motion in a continuous environment (wings, fins, etc.) allows you to get closer to understanding the patterns of waving movements and enriches the designer's work with new solutions. For scientists, designers, engineers, inventors in the development of aircraft and underwater vehicles with waving thrusters.

132. Д7-89/70760

Архитектурная бионика : сборник научных трудов / Центральный научно-исследовательский и проектный институт типового и экспериментального проектирования жилища (Москва) ; составитель А. М. Бреславец. – Москва : [б. и.], 1989. – 131 с. : ил. – Сост. указ. на обороте тит. л. – В надзаг. : Центр. н.-и. и проект. ин-т типового и эксперим. проектирования жилища. ЦНИИЭПжилища. – Библиогр. в конце ст. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The collection is devoted to the problems of studying the principles of the formation of wildlife and their use in architecture - issues studied by architectural bionics. It is intended for architects, engineers, builders, as well as all specialists of related sciences interested in this problem.


133. Ж2-90/14455

Архитектурная бионика : метод ахитектурной бионики, вопросы моделирования: Понятие архитектур. бионики: Направления разработок, проводимых в архтектурной бионике / Ю. С. Лебедев, В. И. Рабинович, Е. Д. Положай [и др.] ; под редакцией Ю. С. Лебедева. – Москва : Стройиздат, 1990. – 268 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 266-268. – Авт. указаны на обороте тит. л. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book summarizes the achievements in the field of the use of the laws of wildlife in the world architectural practice. Along with the analysis of practice, the meaning, content and methodological aspects of this new science are revealed. The possibilities inherent in the living nature that can be used in solving the problems of shaping, technical support, beauty and harmony of architectural forms are considered. Much attention is paid to the synthesis of architecture and the living natural environment, which opens the way to the preservation of nature and the organization of an optimal human environment. For architects, engineers, designers, as well as for those interested in modern architecture.


134. Ахмедов, Т. Х.

Летательные и подводные аппараты с машущими движителями: монография / Т. Х. Ахмедов. – Вологда: Инфра-Инженерия, 2017. – 192 с. – ISBN 978-5-9729-0185-2. – Text : electronic. – URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/943319 (дата обращения: 19.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The book presents the results of research in the field of waving propellers, the analogues of which are natural objects - aerobionts (birds and insects with fast-moving wings), as well as hydrobionts (cetaceans, fish, penguins and floating beetles). The principles of operation and theoretical foundations of waving propellers of natural analogues are considered. Working mechanical models of vehicles with waving thrusters have been developed. A design scheme has been created, the thrust and power of a high-speed mover have been calculated. The technical features of unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles, as well as vessels with waving propellers, have been developed. The results obtained can be used in the development and evaluation calculations, for example, remotely piloted aircraft with high-speed wings, as well as in the study of the course "Aerodynamics and flight theory". For specialists in the relevant fields of science and technology, teachers, university students.

135. Д9-12/92623

Белько, Т. В.

Природные факторы в дизайне среды: ландшафтный дизайн, архитектурная бионика, города будущего / Т. В. Белько. – Тольятти : ПВГУС, 2012. – 296 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 173-176. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The urban environment, problems of urbanization and ecology and solutions in futuristic projects of architects and designers are studied. Modern technologies and materials and the possibilities of their use in the urban environment are considered.


136. Ж2-11/51904

Влияние углеродных нанотрубок на биоминерализацию и физико-химические характеристики гидроксиапатита кальция / Н. А. Захаров, М. Ю. Сенцов, Т. В. Захарова, В. Т. Калинников. – Текст : непосредственный // Физико-химические основы ионообменных и хроматографических процессов (ИОНИТЫ – 2011). – Воронеж, 2011. – С. 229-231. – Библиогр.: 7 назв.

Abstract: The interaction of carbon nanotubes ("Taunite") with calcium hydroxyapatite under the conditions of biomimetic formation of inorganic composite materials has been simulated to assess the toxic characteristics of carbon nanotubes when interacting with native tissues.


137. Ар14-1498

Гридюшко, А. Д.

Биомиметические принципы в архитектурном проектировании : специальность 05.23.21 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата архитектуры / А. Д. Гридюшко. – Москва, 2013. – 35 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 24-25 (12 назв.). – В надзаг. : Моск. архитектурный ин-т (гос. акад.). – Текст : непосредственный.


138. Ар13-18908

Денисенко, Е. В.

Принципы формирования архитектурного пространства на основе биоподходов : специальность 05.23.20 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата архитектуры / Е. В. Денисенко. – Нижний Новгород, 2013. – 24 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 20-21 (16 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


139. Р86/2012/81/12

Джабиев, Т. С.

Биомиметическая утилизация солнечной энергии / Т. С. Джабиев, А. Е. Шилов. – Текст : непосредственный // Успехи химии. – 2012. – Т. 81, № 12. – С. 1146-1158. – Библиогр.: 99 назв.

Abstract: The problem of finding new energy sources, mainly renewable. The most interesting works of recent years on the so-called "artificial photosynthesis", i.e. on the development of photocatalytic converters of light energy into the energy of chemical bonds using the principles underlying the mechanism of natural oxygenic photosynthesis.

140. Ар19-4191

Зайц, А. В.

Биомиметический синтез, структура и свойства кремнийсодержащего гидроксилапатита : специальность 02.00.04 – Физическая химия (химические науки) : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата химических наук / А. В. Зайц. – Нижний Новгород, 2019. – 21 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 20-21 (17 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


141. Ар16-7803

Измайлов, Р. Р.

Биомиметический синтез, структура, физико-химические свойства карбонатгидроксилапатита : специальность 02.00.04 : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата химических наук / Р. Р. Измайлов. – Н. Новгород, 2016. – 21 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 20-21 (23 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.


142. Д10-13/5978

Компьютерное моделирование квантовой релаксации наносистем : учебное пособие / С. А. Безносюк [и др.]. – Барнаул : Изд-во Алт. гос. ун-та, 2013. – 117 с. : ил. – Библиогр. в конце разд. – ISBN 978-5-7904-1497-8. – В надзаг. : Алт. гос. ун-т. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Details of modern methods of computer modeling of self-assembly and self-organization of nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) of bots - active elements of functional and biomimetic nanomaterials are considered. In 13 laboratory works, specific examples of graphene nanobots, carbon hydrogen accumulators, transition and noble metals were analyzed.


143. Материалы в современном машиностроении : учебное пособие / Г. Х. Шарипзянова, А. В. Андреева, Ж. В. Еремеева, Н. М. Ниткин. – Москва ; Вологда : Инфра-Инженерия, 2021. – 192 с. – ISBN 978-5-9729-0698-7. – Text : electronic. – URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1833118 (дата обращения: 19.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The basic foundations of the structure and properties of various types of solid-state materials are described. The classification of materials is given, a wide range of methods for studying their functional properties is presented, the physicochemical effects and processes underlying their application are considered. Attention is paid to new materials with special properties, a number of innovative developments on nanomaterials and the development of priority areas of fundamental materials science are highlighted. For students and teachers of higher educational institutions and technical schools of the areas of training 22.00.00 "Materials technologies" and 15.00.00 "Mechanical Engineering".

144. Д8-94/14119

Нечаев, С. П.

Бионический метод в архитектуре и градостроительстве : учебное пособие / С. П. Нечаев. – Новосибирск : [б. и.], 1994. – 68 c. : ил. – В надзаг. : Новосибир. архит. ин-т. – Библиогр. : с.67 (21 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook for the first time combines independently existing fields of knowledge: biology, engineering, architecture to solve problems in design and construction. The manual provides methods for: purposeful search for taxes in nature, comparison of architectural objects, urban planning with natural analogues; the use of natural principles of shaping and spatial planning solutions. The textbook is intended for students of architectural and civil engineering universities and faculties, and can also be useful for practical designers.


145. Овчинников, И. И.

Современные пешеходные мосты: конструкция, строительство, архитектура : учебное пособие / И. И. Овчинников, Г. С. Дядченко, И. Г. Овчинников. – Москва ; Вологда : Инфра-Инженерия, 2020. – 312 с. – ISBN 978-5-9729-0431-0. – Text : electronic. – URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1168588 (дата обращения: 19.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The textbook provides modern designs of domestic and foreign pedestrian bridges, methods of their design and construction. Particular attention is paid to the architectural design of pedestrian bridges and modern trends in the development of bridge construction. A number of projects and implemented bridge designs based on the bionic approach are described. The projects of multifunctional bridges are presented. Examples of projects and implemented solutions of multifunctional bridges, pedestrian, pedestrian-bicycle and bicycle bridges of various designs are given.

146. Петров, В.

Простейшие приемы изобретательства: Практическое пособие / В. Петров. – Москва : СОЛОН-Пр., 2017. – 134 с. – (Библиотека создания инноваций). – ISBN 978-5-91359-200-2. – Text : electronic. – URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/910730 (дата обращения: 19.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: This is the first book from the author's series "TRIZ from A to Z" and corresponds to the zero, introductory level. The series will be devoted to various aspects of TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving). This book describes the most common ways to solve inventive tasks and get new ideas. The material is easily and quickly assimilated, shows that it is possible to invent according to certain rules and methods. In addition, the material of the book creates motivation for readers to study the following material. The book contains about 140 examples and tasks, and 230 illustrations. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and will be especially useful for those who want to quickly get new ideas, is intended for students of all specialties, school students, visitors to elective courses and creative workshops.

147. Д10-14/15851

Расчет и проектирование систем обеспечения безопасности: биометоды и биотехнологии : учебное пособие / Н. Р. Букейханов [и др.] ; Московский государственный технологический университет "СТАНКИН". – Москва : "Станкин", 2014. – 136 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 121-123 (38 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-7028-0723-2. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook summarizes data on a widespread approach to solving scientific and technical problems based on the direct or indirect use of bionics methods - imitation or creative adaptation of techniques developed by nature. Biotechnologies of saving material and energy resources, reducing the level of pollution of the natural, industrial and residential environment are characterized.


148. Ж2-21/70067

Сапрыкина, Н. А.

Основы динамического формообразования в архитектуре : учебник / Н. А. Сапрыкина. – 3-е изд., доп. и перераб. – Москва : КУРС, 2021. – 380, [2] с. : ил. – (Специальность "Архитектура"). – Библиогр. в конце кн. (327 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-907228-54-2. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Progressive trends in architecture related to the variability of architectural form in accordance with the requirements of society are analyzed. Examples of historical and modern experience of creating changeable architectural objects using dynamic adaptation of architectural space to environmental conditions are considered. The features of dynamic shaping in architecture and methods of organizing an artificial environment using technological innovations are revealed. The concepts of the formation of an eco-sustainable habitat are considered. For the first time, data from the patent literature are analyzed.


149. Д8-01/68993

Темнов, В. Г.

Конструктивные системы в природе и строительной технике. Ресурсосберегающие технологии проектирования / В. Г. Темнов. – Санкт-Петербург : Компьютербург, 2001. – 62 с. : ил. – ISBN 5-93463-002-4. – Библиогр. : с.57-60 (42 назв.). – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The book highlights the issues of the organization of constructive systems of organisms of living nature in the process of evolution. Bionic principles of optimization of constructive systems are considered. Algorithms for the synthesis of optimal constructive systems based on bionic principles are proposed for the first time. The analysis of modern methods of mathematical programming used in the optimal design of structural systems is given. The materials of studies of the physical and mechanical characteristics of biosimilars with subsequent mathematical and physical modeling of the latter are presented. The building structures created on the basis of bionic principles are presented, and the experience of their application in the practice of construction is highlighted. The wide possibilities of algorithms developed on the basis of a combination of mathematical programming methods with bionic principles and implemented on a computer for optimal design of structural systems are shown. The book is intended for scientific and engineering workers.


150. Д9-13/96043

Химическая безопасность и мониторинг живых систем на принципах биомиметики : учебное пособие / Г. К. Будников [и др.]. – Москва : Инфра-М, 2013. – 320 с. – (Высшее образование – Бакалавриат). – ISBN 978-5-16-005749-1. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The toxicological foundations of chemical safety and analytical aspects of monitoring of living systems based on the principles of biomimetics studied in the disciplines "Analytical Chemistry", "Methods of analysis of small amounts of biologically active substances", "Fundamentals of toxicology", "Environmental monitoring", "Biological safety of food" and "Technogenic systems and environmental risk" are described.


151. У4760/2020/2

Чернышова Э. П.

Архитектурная бионика на примере работ японского архитектора Тойо Ито / Э. П. Чернышова, Г. А. Лавриченко. – Текст : непосредственный // Архитектура. Строительство. Образование = Architecture. Construction. Education : ежегодный научно-технический и производственный журнал. – 2020. – № 2(16). – С.16-21.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the formation of architectural bionics in Japan on the example of Toyo Ito buildings. The author considers the architect's late works, which represent a synthesis of Western and Japanese creativity in the direction of bio-tech. Ideas of T. This is internationally recognized, which made him a world-class master, so the study of architectural bionics on the example of T. Ito will allow us to consider the features of this direction.

152. У4739/2020/55

Чижов А. А.

Бионика как необходимый новый вектор развития / А. А. Чижов, М. А. Чижова. – Текст : непосредственный // Интерактивная наука = Interactive Science : ежемесячный международный научный журнал. – 2020. – № 55. – С. 8-16.

Abstract: The article analyzes and summarizes the principles of architectural bionics applied to various construction and technical structures. The analysis was carried out during the study of scientific literature on the topic "Bionics. Architectural structures". The purpose of this work is to study the principles of architectural bionics, to study the possibility and effectiveness of their application to solve engineering and technical problems. The main objective of the work was to study the directions and principles of the development of architectural bionics, to evaluate the effectiveness of their application to solve technical problems, to find the correspondences of biological systems to construction and technical structures and facilities, to analyze known architectural structures from the point of view of architectural bionics.

153. Ж2-18/63844

Шенцова, О. М.

Геометрия форм и бионика : учебное пособие / О. М. Шенцова, Е. К. Казанева ; Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г. И. Носова. – Магнитогорск : Изд-во Магнитог. гос. техн. ун-та им. Г. И. Носова, 2018. – 230 с. : ил. – Библиогр. : с. 209-211 (68 назв.). – ISBN 978-5-9967-1084-3. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The manual provides basic knowledge about the bionic method of architectural, architectural design and design design and can be useful when performing course projects, term papers in the disciplines of the OOP project cycle in the above areas. The manual will also be useful for students to perform laboratory and independent work and for intermediate and final certification of students, performing final qualifying works. The manual highlights the issues of shaping in nature, architecture and design; harmonization in nature and natural adaptation of architectural objects. Conditions of formation of changeable architectural objects are also considered; history and modern types of changeable structural systems; biotectonic systems and architecture of extremity; shaping of premises and volumes; formative connections of urban formations with the landscape.


154. Д8-95/27533

Юрьев, А. Г.

Природные конструкции и инженерные сооружения : структура и функции : учебное пособие / А. Г. Юрьев. – Белгород : [б. и.], 1995. – 86 с. : ил. – В надзаг. : Белгородская гос. технол. акад. строит. материалов. – Библиогр. : с.83-84 (28назв.). – Имен. указ.: с.85-86. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The scientific foundations of the evolution of matter and the transformation of energy in biosystems are described. The extreme principles used in the study of the relationship between the form and functions of organisms are considered. The possibilities of taking into account the regularities of the formation of biological systems in the design of structures and structures are indicated, which should be reflected in the courses of structural mechanics and building structures. The textbook is intended for students of architectural, construction and construction-technological specialties.


155. Д7-90/72387

Яненко, И. Н.

Биологические знания – строителям : учебное пособие / И. Н. Яненко. – Москва : [б. и.], 1990. – 51 c. – В надзаг. : Всесоюз. науч.-метод. центр проф.-техн. обучения молодежи. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: The textbook contains additional material related to the professional interests of future builders.


156. Bhushan, B.

Applied scanning probe methods VII : biomimetics and industrial applications / B. Bhushan, H. Fuchs. – Electronic text data. – Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2007. – 380 p. – (NanoScience and technology, ISSN 1434-4904). – ISBN 978-3-540-37320-9. – URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11785705 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: The scanning probe microscopy has been rapidly expanding. It is a demanding task to collect a timely overview of this with an emphasis on technical devopments and industrial applications. It became evident while editing Vols. I–IV that a large number of technical and applicational aspects are present and rapidlyveloping worldwide. Considering the success of Vols. I–IV and the fact that further colleagues from leading laboratories were ready to contribute their latest achie- ments, we decided to expand the series with articles touching not covered in the previous volumes. The response and support of our colleagues were excellent, making it possible to edit another three volumes of the series. In contrast to to- cal conference proceedings, the applied scanning probe methods intend to give an overview of recent developments as a compendium for both practical applications and recent basic research results, and novel technical developments with respect to instrumentation and probes. The present volumes cover three main areas: novel probes and techniques (Vol. V), charactarization (Vol. VI), and biomimetics and industrial applications (Vol. VII).

157. Biologically Inspired Design. Computational Methods and Tools / ed. A. K. Goel et all. – Electronic text data. – London : Springer-Verl., 2014. – 325 p. – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-1-4471-5248-4. – URL: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-1-4471-5248-4 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: From simple cases such as hook and latch attachments found in Velcro to articulated-wing flying vehicles, biology often has been used to inspire many creative design ideas. The scientific challenge now is to transform the paradigm into a repeatable and scalable methodology. Biologically Inspired Design explores computational techniques and tools that can help integrate the method into design practice. With an inspiring foreword from Janine Benyus, Biologically Inspired Design contains a dozen chapters written by some of the leading scholars in the transdisciplinary field of bioinspired design, such as Frank Fish, Julian Vincent and Jeannette Yen from biology, and Amaresk Chakrabarti, Satyandra Gupta and Li Shu from engineering. Based in part on discussions at two workshops sponsored by the United States National Science Foundation, this volume introduces and develops several methods and tools for bioinspired design including.

158. Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering / ed. F. P. Torgal [et al.]. – Electronic text data. – Cham : Springer, 2015. – 437 p. – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-319-09287-4. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-09287-4. – URL: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-09287-4 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: Putting forward an innovative approach to solving current technological problems faced by human society, this book encompasses a holistic way of perceiving the potential of natural systems. Nature has developed several materials and processes which both maintain an optimal performance and are also totally biodegradable, properties which can be used in civil engineering. Delivering the latest research findings to building industry professionals and other practitioners, as well as containing information useful to the public, ‘Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering’ serves as an important tool to tackle the challenges of a more sustainable construction industry and the future of buildings.

159. R/15243/134

Celadyn, W.

Architektura a systemy roslinne : studium relacji miedzy elementami architektonicznymi a roslinnymi / W.Celadyn. – Krakow : [s. n.], 1992. – 185 s. – (Monografia / Politech.Krakowska im Tadeusza Kosciuszki, ISSN 0860-097X ; n134). – Рез. пол., англ., фр. – Библиогр. : с. 175-181. – Текст : непосредственный.

160. R/17669/7313

Forschungszentrum (Karlsruhe).

Wissenschaftliche Berichte : дис. ... / FZKA. – Karlsruhe : [s. n.], 19 – . – ISSN 0947-8620. – Текст : непосредственный.

7313 : Zugseile in der Natur : Diss. / R. Kappel. – Karlsruhe : [s. n.], 2007. – II, 126 S. : Ill. – Рез. англ. – Библиогр. : с. 117-126 (131 назв.).

Аннотация: The present paper will analyze various natural structures, present obvious and hid-den tension ropes in nature, and explain their action principle. For these different action principles, potential technical implementations will be presented and summarized by the methodology of «thinking in ropes» for lightweight constructions.

161. Hou, X.

Bio-inspired asymmetric design and building of biomimetic smart single nanochannels / X. Hou. – Electronic text data. – Berlin [etc.] : Springer, 2013. – 127 p. – (Springer theses, ISSN 2190-5053). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-642-38050-1. – URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-38050-1 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: In this thesis, the author introduces various bio-inspired smart nanochannel systems. A strategy for design and preparation of novel artificial responsive symmetric/asymmetric single nanochannel systems under various symmetric/asymmetric stimuli is presented for the first time. The author’s research work utilizes ion track etching polymer nanochannels with different shapes as examples to demonstrate the feasibility of the design strategy for building novel artificial functional nanochannels using various symmetric/asymmetric physicochemical modifications. The development of these nanochannels and their potential applications is a burgeoning new area of research, and a number of exciting breakthroughs may be anticipated in the near future from the concepts and results reported in this thesis. Research into artificial functional nanochannels continues to drive new developments of various real-world applications, such as biosensors, energy conversion systems and nanofluidic devices. The work in this thesis has led to more than 15 publications in high-profile journals.

162. Marek, P. L.

Biomimetic dye aggregate solar cells / P. L. Marek. – Electronic text data. – Cham [etc.] : Springer, 2013. – 163 p. – (Springer theses, ISSN 2190-5053). – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-319-00636-9. – URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-00636-9 (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: This thesis describes a new approach to the construction of solar cells. Following nature's example, this approach has the goal to find a biomimetic self-assembling dye, whose aggregates can mimic the natural light-harvesting system of special photosynthetic active bacteria. The thesis investigates methods to control the self-assembly such that suitable dye aggregates are formed with high internal order and size-confinement. The dye aggregates can be implemented into a new type of solar cells, designed to combine the advantages of hybrid solar cells and solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells (ss-DSSCs): dye aggregate solar cells (DASCs). This book describes the construction and first tests of a prototype for DASCs on the basis of the investigated dye aggregates. The described approach has the advantage that it will enable to build up a light-harvesting system fully synthetically in large scale in order to realize low-cost, light-weight and environmentally friendly solar cells – a worthwhile goal towards the exploitation of clean energy from sunlight.

163. Pohl, G.

Biomimetics for Architecture & Design : nature – Analogies – Technology / G. Pohl, W. Nachtigal. – Electronic text data. – Cham : Springer, 2015. – 337 p. – Загл. с экрана. – ISBN 978-3-319-19120-1. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19120-1. – URL: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-19120-1#about (дата обращения: 26.01.2022). – Access mode: for authorized users.

Abstract: This book provides the readers with a timely guide to the application of biomimetic principles in architecture and engineering design. As a result of a combined effort by two internationally recognized authorities, the biologist Werner Nachtigall and the architect Göran Pohl, the book describes the principles which can be used to compare nature and technology, and at the same time it presents detailed explanations and examples showing how biology can be used as a source of inspiration and “translated” in building and architectural solutions (biomimicry). Even though nature cannot be directly copied, the living world can provide architects and engineers with a wealth of analogues and inspirations for their own creative designs. But how can analysis of natural entities give rise to advanced and sustainable design? By reporting on the latest bionic design methods and using extensive artwork, the book guides readers through the field of nature-inspired architecture, offering an extraordinary resource for professional architects, engineers, designers and urban planners, as well as for university teachers, researchers and students. Natural evolution is seen throughout the book as a powerful resource that can serve architecture and design by providing innovative, optimal and sustainable solutions.

164. G2/16688

Tschan, T. -L.

Naturraum-Architekturraum, Naturform-Architekturform : Einfluss von Merkmalen der Natur auf de Architektur und experimentelle Bestatigung durch systematische verfahrensanalyse. / T.-L. Tschan. – Stuttgart : [s. n.], 1990. – 423 S. : Ill. – Библиогр. : с.418-423. – Текст : непосредственный.

Abstract: Von der Fakultat architektur und Stadtebau der Universitat Stuugart zur Erlangung der Wurde eines Doktor-ingenieurs (Dr-ing) genehmigte Abhandlung. Hauptberichter Prof Wolfgang Knoll Mitberichter Prof Dr-ing Michael Trieb tag der mundlichen prufung 18 dezember 1990.